Chapter Seventeen

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Aurora's POV

I was still a bit on edge from the information that imploded on my special day but it wasn't necessarily the information that upset me... it was the fact that our best friend didn't include us in her special life moments. I mean you only have 'firsts' once in your life and we missed hers.

Colton and I were chatting with Vincent, David and Bethany when I noticed Jocelyn sitting alone at a table watching the children on the dance floor. Earlier this morning I had told myself that I was going to have a word with her to check to see how she was doing before today ended, so that's exactly what I was going to do. I excused myself from the conversation, picked up the hem of my dress and headed over to her.

Jocelyn has just always been this radiant and beautiful woman to me. Her full brown, curly hair sat nicely on her shoulders as her blue eyes shined from the reflection of the many lights surrounding the dance floor.

"Hey," I rest my hand on her shoulder and take a seat next to her.

"Hi," she smiled at me and returned her gaze back to our children who were dancing on the dance floor together.

As I sat, I felt my body relax next to hers as we both watched the children. Their energy and happiness was so contagious that both Joce and I laughed as Jayden tried to do a little jiggle dance.

"How are you feeling?" I lean back against the chair and keep my eyes trained on the children. I had to be really cautious of my dress,

"Honestly, it's hard." I heard her sigh, "I just feel like I put so much into a marriage I was in because I felt like his feelings towards me were genuine. I mean, I was head over heels in love with Jarrod since we were in high school but if he was just honest with me from the day the twins were born, things would've turned out differently."

I nodded my head in understanding, "I can understand that, I felt that way about Colton. I always thought that if we both were honest with each other from the beginning things would've turned out so much more different than they are now but life had to take us on different paths. The time we spent apart from each other gave us the opportunity to grow as individuals, so that when right time came along, we would be able to understand each other on a deeper level than before. Don't get me wrong, we still had our fair share of problems but were were able to talk them out...eventually." I slightly turn to her, "I'm sorry this happened to you. Colton has always told me stories on how close you and Jarrod were throughout high school."

"I was in love with him," she smiled. I'm guessing she just had a memory of them, "he was my everything."

"Look at me," her blue eyes meet my sea green eyes, "I'm going to tell you something I told Kat a long time ago and then some. If Jarrod couldn't see how much of an amazing person you are then he didn't deserve you in the first place. You deserve someone that will bring you breakfast in bed, someone who would massage your feet after a long day at work, and someone who will respect you. You, Jocelyn, deserves an amazing guy and one day he will find you."

Tears started to pool in her eyes, "oh, no. Don't cry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

She chuckled, "that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me since this whole stupid thing went down. I mean Lauren said she could hire a few men to 'take him out'," my eyes widened and she burst out laughing, "it's okay, I told her no. I know he's kind of like your cousin."

"Was my cousin," I correct her. Growing up I wasn't really close to Jarrod, we never really talked; it was mostly always Harley hanging out with Jarrod, until he moved, "it seems like something just didn't click right in that family. Like for instance, Harley and Jarrod are so similar, they both have beautiful women who loved them with all their hearts but those two boys insist on listening to their dicks and not their hearts. It really saddens me. I still feel for Kat as I look at her girls but I know she found someone who will love her and not play with her heart, besides everything that just went down a few hours ago; I'm sure they will fix it. Jarrod on the other hand, is just plain dumb."

She laughs at that, "I agree, but I also feel like I had some part to play with this dragging on so long. I should have just divorced him the second I caught him cheating on me but I was weak and in love and I listened to him over my own conscience, which was yelling at me to run."

"When did you know it was really over?" I was really curious because she put herself through so much pain, I wanted to know when she realized that she deserved better,

"Well there were four signs that I should've listened too, which I know it was dumb of me to wait this long to realize it was actually over. The first being the cheating; to walk into the house that day to see him butt ass naked after he just pulled out of an also butt ass naked girl who was sitting on my family dinning table, shattered me. It felt like he took a knife and just stabbed me, over and over again." she looked deflated, "the second sign was when I was in a coma. He didn't have the audacity to watch the children, their HIS children. Instead my brother Jole had to watch them. It was his chance to step up and actually show that he cared but he left the children in Jole's care because he felt 'it was only right' to do that."

I kept quiet and just listened, "the third sign was the school shooting. Who in their right mind calls from California and asks, 'did they catch the guy?' like WHAT THE FUCK!"

"He did what?" I ask, slightly fuming,

"Yeah, you know about the whole school shooting where Beth got hurt?" I nod. I'm still thinking about home schooling the kids, "while I was still in the coma and while Jole was watching the kids, the whole shooting thing happened and Jarrod was in California on a 'business trip' which later I found out he was with the same woman from before. Long story short, he was supposed to be there to support the children through that traumatic experience instead all he did was call Jole and ask if the guy was caught and who was he. When he found out that it was Lucas, he spent hours talking about how much he never like that guy or how he always thought something was 'off' with him. Jole said, that not once he asked about the twins and how they were holding up." she sighed,

"And the fourth reason?" I didn't know exactly how she felt but I could see that she was in a lot of emotional pain. Jarrod put her through so much and to see how strong she is for her children makes me really proud of her.

"When Jayden was diagnosed with Leukemia," she looked at her nails, "Jarrod never came to see him. He never came to check on him. He didn't even have the decency to call him. It was like we never existed to him, like we were irrelevant to him. It hurt when my coworker told me she saw Jarrod with some other woman and a child in an airport. So to answer your question, I knew it was really over, when he finally decided to show up at home, I told him about Jayden and all he did was ask if he was still alive," my eyebrows shot up, I was completely disgusted with Jarrod. I knew about him disappearing but I never knew he said that to her. "yeah, I took that as an opportunity to give him the divorce papers. Of course he recited everything he told me before when I first wanted to divorce him but this time it didn't work. The entire family had my back and they knew everything. It hurt a lot watching him pack a bag and leave that night with the papers in hand."

"Oh sweets, I know it hurt. You know I wouldn't have been upset if you didn't make it to my wedding, I was quite surprised you showed up," I lightly smile at her,

"I wouldn't miss my cousin and you getting married for anything!"

We laugh and began talking about who will watch our children while we were on our honeymoon. At first Jocelyn was my number one choice but she is going through so much at the moment I didn't want to overwhelm her. I also thought about Kat but that girl could give birth any day now, and I don't want my children to be the cause of her going into labor. So, Sawyer and Gregory have agreed to watch the children at our home during our honeymoon just so the kids can remain in a familiar environment.

Jocelyn was telling me more stories of Colton growing up; which I will definitely be taunting him with, when my father Auron, walked up us,

"Excuse me ladies but may I have this dance?" I look at Joce because we were in the middle of talking,

She nodded her head and I smile at my dad, "of course you may," but before walking off with my dad I turn back tell her one last thing,

"Hey Joce," she looked back up at me, "just say yes to yourself because you deserve it." she smiled at me and I returned it.

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