Chapter 1

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Everyone has an idea of what heaven is like. Some believe heaven is in the clouds up above, while others believe it's just being in a white light for eternity. Some people though, believe you go to your favorite place in the world, and everyone you loved, would be there.

For Rowan Miller, that was what he thought heaven would be like. He was standing in the upstairs hallway of his old house. The windows letting in very bright light. So bright, you couldn't see outside of them. Rowan and his father, Ethan Miller, had moved out of this place a long time ago. It had reminded Ethan too much of his late wife, who had died from a horrible illness. Rowan unfortunately never knew his mother very well, since he was the age of 3 when she passed.

And yet, she was standing at the end of the hall, smiling at him. He was staring back at her, knowing that she was dead, but was happy to see her. He began to say something, but couldn't. He was too emotional.

He began to step forward, making his way to her. She anticipated him coming to her, as she reached out her hand. Rowan reached his hand out to grab hers.

"Mom," he whispered.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, a hand holding a knife reached around his mother's neck and slit her throat. She collapsed on the floor, motionless. Standing behind her, holding the bloody knife, was his former step mother and rapist, Tina Roberts. She grinned a huge grin at him.

"That's right," she said, "I'm your mommy. Mommy needs to come teach you a lesson now."

She began walking toward him. Rowan was terrified and tried to step back as fast as he could, but it was as if he was walking through water, too slow.

"You should have never put me away." Tina said. "Bad, bad boy. You will pay for that."

Rowan screamed himself awake right when Tina ran the knife into his stomach.

  Rowan sat up in his bed, panting, drenched in his own sweat

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Rowan sat up in his bed, panting, drenched in his own sweat. He had another nightmare. It was the first one he had since he made love to his vampire girlfriend, Morgan Allen, which was about a month and a half ago. Vampires were something he recently discovered were real, but it took him pretty quick to come to terms with it, since vampires were commonly believed in the city of Nightwing. Except her family was full of "good" vampires, who believed in God and stuff, and therefore could occasionally be in the sun.

He rolled out of bed and went over to open his window. It was the end of January and -30, but he didn't care, he needed to cool off. As the cold air hit his topless, overheated body, he began to calm down. Finally catching his breath, he went over to his closet to see if he should change or throw on an undershirt to catch the sweat. He suddenly felt a cold breeze directly behind him, and he smiled. Rowan knew he was no longer alone before he turned around.

Sure enough, his girlfriend Morgan Allen was standing behind him, who had snuck in through his open window. She said nothing at first, and he went in to hug her. She accepted the hug.

The Cure - Part 2 of 4Where stories live. Discover now