Chapter 4

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  "Rowan Miller, please come to the front of the court."

Rowan looked at his Dad, anxious. He was afraid to do this. He didn't want to do this.

Ethan mouthed, "It's okay" to him, because the lawyer was sitting in between them. He took a deep breath and went to the front of the room.

He swore on the bible and was seated next to the judge.

"Can you state your name and age son?" asked the judge.

"Uh....Rowan J. Miller. 17 years old" he said, stuttering a bit.

"Mr. Miller," said the judge, "You are here to testify to the sexual assault made on you by your step mother, Tina Roberts. Is that correct?"

Rowan looked across the room to Tina, who was sitting next to her lawyer, glaring at him. He gulped.

"....yes." he said.

The judge looked through some papers. "Now your father just testified saying he walked in on the two of you, and she was forcing you to perform oral sex on her. Is that true?"

Rowan really didn't want to talk about this in front of people. He couldn't say anything at first.

"It's okay son," said the judge. "You can tell the truth."

Rowan looked up at her. The judge reminded him a bit of his mother.

"Yes, that's true." Rowan choked out.

She continued to ask Rowan to speak about the encounters, and he did. He talked about how Tina would begin by flirting with him, and then eventually raping him throughout the house when Ethan was working or asleep. He talked about how she would use her Swiss knife on him whenever he didn't cooperate, forcing him to submit.

"Objection," snarked Tina's lawyer. "There's no evidence that she used a knife on him. You're already jeopardizing her of losing her bank. Now you want to charge her for weapon assault?"

"I do have evidence" said Rowan. He stood up and unbuttoned his shirt. Taking it off, showed various cuts all over his back and chest, still healing. He heard the jury talking amongst themselves.

The court went on, and eventually the jury went to speak alone. After about an hour, they came back with a decision, finding Tina guilty of raping and assaulting her under aged step son.

"Tina Roberts," said the judge, "You will serve a sentence of 18 years in prison. However, the bank you own, Bank of Roberts, will remain in your possession. After your sentence, or if you get out on good behavior, you may return to your work. However, if violated, you will lose your company."

  Rowan woke up in Morgan's bedroom

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Rowan woke up in Morgan's bedroom. He only remembered falling asleep in the dungeon. She must have gotten me up here somehow, he thought.

He realized he was still naked under the blankets, but Morgan was not next to him. Dang, for ONCE I wouldn't mind waking up next to her. But he also understood that she rarely sleeps. And when she does, it's not in her bed.

He sat up, then suddenly smelled something in the air. Was that....bacon? He was pretty sure it was bacon. Curious, he rolled out of bed and noticed a grey house robe lying at the end of the bed. He threw it on and began to walk downstairs. He heard movement and voices coming from the kitchen.

When he walked into the kitchen, he noticed Carter was indeed cooking. There were eggs, bacon, sausages, and pancakes. Skylar was buttering toast. Morgan and Alyssa were sitting at the table, chatting.

"Hey, there he is!" said Carter to Rowan. "Welcome my friend! You will eat good this morning!"

"'re making this for me?" said Rowan, surprised.

"Of course!" Carter replied. "After a long night of giving your energy, you will be very hungry. More than you're used to. Plus, this gives me an excuse to use the kitchen!"

Rowan's face turned red. "Oh...I didn't realize um, last night would be known to everyone...". He flashed a look at Morgan, who was trying not to look at him, laughing.

Carter threw him a "Don't worry about it" gesture. "Nonsense," he said. "It's a thing in our family. We're pretty casual about it. Nothing to be ashamed of!"

"You should have heard the jokes he made about Joe being in the dungeon with me." said Alyssa. "Especially when he started to age."

Carter finished making the giant ass breakfast for Rowan. Carter led him to the dining room just down the hall (which they mainly used for family meetings and crafting). The walls were all black, no windows, and had a long table almost the length of the room. Rowan thanked him for the breakfast and sat down, and Morgan joined him.

"Let's give these two some privacy" said Carter, and put his arm around Skyler, walking out of the room.

Rowan slowly started to fill his plate. Carter was right, this was hunger on a whole new level. He thought he'd die if he didn't eat now.

"You don't have to be polite in front of me," said Morgan, as if she read his mind. "You're starving, go ahead."

Rowan looked at her for a moment, then at the food. Fuck it, he loaded his plate up with as much as he could eat. More than the breakfast delight he would eat on most Sundays. He ate deeply, as if he was making love to the food. He savored it, enjoyed it. Oh gosh, felt like he didn't eat in years.

After about five minutes of eating, Rowan slowed down. He was still human, he didn't want to throw up.

"So," he said. "Has Carter made food for....anyone else?"

Morgan chuckled, "He used to cook all the time for Alyssa's husband. But're the very first feeder of mine he's done that for. He never associated himself with...the other ones."

"Really?" said Rowan.

"Yeah," she replied. "I mean, he used to cook for me after our nights in the dungeon. That's actually how I got to know Alyssa. She used to pick me up at my house and tell my parents I was sleeping over at her place. But it was so I could be safely taken to their house for Carter without them ever knowing.

But yeah, I was one of the only feeders Carter actually....cared about. That's how I know he really likes you. Because he wants to connect with you."

"I'm glad" said Rowan.

He finished his breakfast and went to change. Morgan walked him to his car outside. He enjoyed seeing her in the sunlight. He believed God loved her, which he was happy about.

"I really loved last night." he said.

She smiled, "I'm glad you did. Because this is going to be a regular thing now."

"I'll be your feeder for as long as you want me," said Rowan.

"How does forever sound?" she replied, giggling.

They kissed.

When he walked into his house, Rowan noticed his dad standing in the kitchen awkwardly. He was leaned up against the sink. He looked like he had been thinking for hours.

"Dad? Are you okay?" asked Rowan, concerned.

"Yeah...I'm fine..." Ethan replied, looking a little worried.

Yeah that's a lie, Rowan thought. He dropped his overnight bag and went up to him.

"You can tell me, is it something bad?"

"No. Well, I don't know....I'm just worried about it."

"What is it Dad?" Ethan was always worried about stuff. Nightwing wasn't really a happy city for him to live in anymore. Sometimes Rowan would just leave him alone, but Ethan seemed like he needed to talk.

"Tina's parole got granted early. She left prison yesterday. Just got off the phone with the police."

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