Chapter 10

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After having a couple weeks to calm down over Tina's break in, Rowan and Ethan felt safe at home again. Tina was put back in jail to serve 6 months for violating the restraining order, then have a court session to reassess.

It was now May, and they were beginning to enjoy the warm weather. Ethan had been watching sports when Rowan walked in the door.

"Rowan, come here for a sec" he said.

Rowan walked over and sat on the couch.

"Morgan is a very nice woman," Ethan said. "I've gotten to know her a little the past while, and you two....seem very connected. I can feel a bond between you."

Rowan chuckled to himself, "I mean, you know I've dated other women. But yeah, she is the most serious one."

"I know," Ethan replied. "Stay here for a moment."

He went upstairs. Rowan wasn't quite sure what was going on. He had dating conversations with Ethan before, but it wasn't ever serious. Dad's acting kind of odd, he thought.

Ethan returned with a small box in his hand.

"Now, you don't have to use this with Morgan. I'm only giving you this because I've seen a new change in you. You've experienced being in love with someone. Real love, and I want you to have this in case you ever decide to take this step with someone."

Rowan took the box and opened it. It was a ring. He looked at Ethan with a confused look.

"This was your mother's ring." he said, "I proposed to her with it."

Rowan's heart suddenly sank. This was his mom's engagement ring. He was not only holding a piece of jewelry, but it felt like he was holding a piece of his mother.

"I saved it to give to you if you ever wanted it." said Ethan.

Rowan held the ring close to his chest and closed his eyes.

"Thank you," he said. He stood up and hugged his father.

"Why now?" asked Rowan.

Ethan shrugged, "I just had a strong feeling that this was the time. I know you haven't been with Morgan that long, which is why I said it doesn't have to be for her. But I think this feeling is your mother's way of talking to me. I think she wants you to start holding onto it."

Rowan smiled. "This is....I will cherish this. Yes, I will..."

While Rowan and Ethan had a bonding moment with their late wife/mother through a ring, Carter was beginning his graveyard shift at the Lakeview Funeral Home. He owned the place, so he didn't have to work there, but one of his staff was taking a leave to grieve over the death of a loved one. So he offered to cover their shifts for them. All of his staff were vampires.

He was prepping a body for a wake the following day, when he heard footsteps coming down into the basement. He looked up, and noticed it was someone he was not that fond of, but still knew this person from many decades ago.

"I thought you're supposed to be invited into a home first," he said.

"A window was open," said Whelan, "which is open game after that."

Carter continued to prep the body, "Still living your old ways I see."

"It's the right way," said Whelan, "which is why I've come to you."

Carter stopped prepping and listened.

"It's time we regain the city back to how it was originally founded." Whelan began, "We have an opportunity to show these humans that they are no longer the majority. We deserve to rule this place. You shouldn't be owning this place, taking blood from dead bodies. It is our natural instinct to hunt."

Carter shook his head, turning his back, "Nightwing has evolved. There are lots of us still living here. We just chose to live a more peaceful life."

"That's cause pesky Christian humans convinced the vampires back in 1900's that faith was good." Whelan argued.

"Because it is, they were right." Carter responded cooly.

Whelan began to pace the room, "I have convinced a couple dark vampires to join me, and now I am coming to convince you and your family. To correct your mistakes."

Carter continued to ignore him until the sudden realization hit him. He slowly turned to Whelan.

"You're the one that's been stalking Rowan," he said.

Whelan grinned.

Carter turned his body to face him, taking off his rubber gloves.

"Look, I respect you want to live your old ways and that's fine, but you do not interfere with my family and their choices. Other dark vampires know not to do that."

"Your daughter figure should not be with that human unless she is sucking the happiness out of him." Whelan said. "And that former human your son has was not worthy of becoming one of us."

"You are not the one to decide that Whelan," said Carter sternly.

"But Strahd was!" argued Whelan, "And this is still his city!"

"No, it isn't" said Carter, "He's been dead since late 1800s."

Whelan huffed, then paced for a bit more.

"I had a feeling this was going to be difficult," he said. "I decided to hold of killing your family, because we were childhood friends. So I thought I would give you the option to join me, and to kill your human, and former human."

Carter was angry now, "Not a fucking chance. Now, get out before I decide to strap you to my roof and let the morning sunlight hit you. And stay away from Rowan, and my family."

Whelan stepped back, "I didn't come to kill you today. I'll give you one last chance. I will give you until the next full moon. If you do not agree to fight along with me by then, then I'll be back to kill you all. Like what I have already been doing."

Carter stared at him, realizing his staff's family death probably had something to do with Whelan.

"I don't want to fight you. But if you are going to attack my family, then so be it."

Whelan gave him a, "Didn't want it to be this way, but oh well," look. He then proceeded to float backwards up the stairs. Carter followed him, and watching him float out of the open window by his receptionist's desk. And Whelan was gone into the night.

"Mr. Allen," asked his receptionist, "I'm sorry, I was not at my desk when he came through."

"Lock all the windows," said Carter, "And call the staff members. We're all in danger."

The Cure - Part 2 of 4Where stories live. Discover now