Chapter 2

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That following week Rowan received an email from the Dean of Science that there was going to be conference meeting about his thesis. He felt a little nervous as he climbed the stairs into the building. He wore a royal blue suit jacket to help himself feel more professional. He wore dark jeans though since he didn't want to overdo it.

As he sat down in the conference room he found every member of the science faculty was there including his professor Dr. Henz. The president of the university sat at the head of the table, where Rowan sat at the other end.


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"Mr. Miller," said the president. "Dr. Henz and the Dean of Science presented your paper to me that you wrote for a class. I have to say we are very impressed with your theory of using organic ingredients to better the current medication for M.S. How did you come up with this theory?"

"Thank you," Rowan formally replied. "It was a theory I developed while receiving my bachelor of science. A loved one suffers from M.S and I watched her struggle with it growing up. I had friends who were on organic diets and it made various improvements on their bodies. After researching that organic products were used to enhance certain medicines, I began researching if they could help bigger diseases such as this one."

"Quite a story" said the president while looking over his paper.

Rowan was so nervous he wanted to throw up.

"Well, we all had a discussion prior to this meeting, and we would officially like to set you up in our science lab to begin working on this theory. We feel that if you succeed, you could not only become extremely wealthy and known, but it will give the university an excellent reputation."

Now Rowan wanted to throw up from excitement.

"We will set you up with a graduate masters student who has a biology degree" said a female faculty member, "So you would have to share a bit of credit if you succeed, but it would mainly be in your name."

"That's more than okay," said Rowan.

The rest of the meeting went very well. Rowan was expected to begin working in the lab the third week of February. Since he was only taking 2 classes this semester, he had no issues doing so. He would be paid for his work.

Rowan practically skipped out of the building. It was raining, but he didn't care. He let his hair get wet from the joy. He called his father to tell him the exciting news.

"Fantastic son!" Ethan exclaimed. "You're mother would be so proud of you. I know she is. You're going to find a treatment, I know it."

When he hung up, Rowan got an odd feeling. He was standing in front of some trees, and he swore he saw a shadow there, but it was gone. At first, he wondered if it was Morgan, or Elijah. But they were resting for a couple days, so it couldn't be them. He already had a feeling it wasn't them anyways, because that shadow didn't give him a "safe" feeling.

A week had passed, and Rowan was driving to Morgan's house again. He brought an overnight bag and some roses for her since it was Valentine's Day. He wasn't sure if vampires liked flowers, but roses were red, like blood. So he thought he may have been onto something there at least.

Morgan lit up when he showed up at her door with the flowers.

"Rowan! You shouldn't have!" she gave him a huge kiss, which he gladly accepted. He held onto the kiss a little too long and Morgan had to break it.

"Sorry, just...hungry." she said, shyly.

Rowan smiled, "Well, I guess in a way, tonight I'll be making you a nice dinner."

Morgan chuckled but had that "I guess?" look on her face.

Elijah passed them.

"Hey man, Happy Valentine's Day."

"Yeah, you too." said Rowan. "You and Gio doing anything special?"

"Midnight fly together, then probably a movie in our room." he said, glowing at the thought of spending an entire night with his partner. Rowan smiled.

"I've got something for you in my room," said Morgan. She took his hand and led him upstairs. On her bed was a heart box of chocolates.

"I thought you would enjoy candy since, you can eat." she said.

Rowan laughed and held the box. He took out a small chocolate and ate it. "Delicious" he said, and kissed her cheek.

They stood in silence for a moment.

"Listen, Rowan," said Morgan, "about tonight...don't feel like you have to do this. I'm...a bit more aggressive in there. It's almost like being with another person."

"It's okay," said Rowan. "I've done research on BDSM. I want to try this with you."

"We'll go easy tonight, since it's your first time." she said.

They stood in silence again, then she took his hand.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"I am," Rowan replied.

Morgan gave him a comforting smile. She walked over to her nightstand and pulled out the key with the red ribbon.

"Let's go."

The Cure - Part 2 of 4Where stories live. Discover now