Chapter 7

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Whelan was one of Nightwing's only dark vampires. He practically worshipped David Strahd, the vampire who founded the city of Nightwing. When Strahd originally founded the city, humans were minorities, and mainly used as a source of food for the vampires, who would come out and rule the night.

Whelan still believed that's what the city should still be like. He despised vampires who did not feed off humans to kill. He ESPECIALLY despised vampires who were romantically involved with good, pure humans. 6 years ago, he began his hunt for killing off the vampires who were good, and the humans involved. But he did it in a strategy where he wouldn't go on a killing spree, because vampires, all of them, were smart. They would be able to tell based off a killing spree if they were being targeted.

But so far, he did a great job of keeping it on the DL, and his next target was the Allen family. He had been watching them for about a year now, and noticed one of them had began dating a human. A human that was RELIGIOUS?? Disgusting, so disgusting.

Whelan flew along a river just outside the city, just as dawn approached, and landed at the entrance of a massive drainpipe, leading into an underground sewer. there was a wide open area with solid ground, which was where he declared his home.

Perched on the other side of the area, was his lover, Belladonna. They were sitting on a throne that was made from the bones of humans Whelan had killed. Belladonna was covered head to toe, hood up.

"My dear Belladonna," Whelan had said, "I have brought you photos."

He handed them photographs he had taken of the Allen family. Belladonna's claws almost tore the photos. There were pictures of Carter and Skylar planting plasma fruits. Then photos of Elijah, Giovanni, Alyssa, and Morgan bonding outside.

The claws stopped going through the photos when there was a picture of Rowan leaving the house with Morgan, holding hands. Then another photo of them kissing.

"There seems to be a new human with them." said Whelan. "It's a...pure relationship. This family doesn't kill. I can't believe they take blood from humans, even DEAD humans since the father owns a funeral home. And growing this fruit..."

The hood remained lowered, staring at the photo of the human pressing his lips on a vampire that should have ate him. If they were going to restore Nightwing the way it should be, then this was not acceptable.

"I think the human needs a reminder of what his role is in this city." said Whelan.

A claw stretched out from the cloak and pointed to the ground in front of the throne.

"Ah, you want to do what we did for the last family who dated humans? You want the human to witness the murder of his vampire girl first, then brought here to be killed slowly?"

A nod.

"Very well." said Whelan. He stepped toward the hooded figure and kneeled.

"You will soon be strong enough to join me in the world above us."


Rowan had no clue that him and the Allen's were being hunted. But Carter was onto it. He listened to everything Morgan and Rowan had told him. He paced the living area a few times with Skylar supporting him.

"This is defiantly a vampire, and not a good one I'm afraid." Carter said. The entire family was gathered, listening.

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