Chapter 9

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All he could do was breathe really hard. He had to quickly figure out a way out of Tina's grasp. How the fuck did she get here without being noticed??

"Oh, how I miss the feel of you struggling," she smirked. "I think we should revisit those precious moments, how about you?"

Rowan tried his best to say "Fuck you, bitch" under the glove pressed over his mouth.

"Now we're going to back up nice and slow up to your bedroom, and you better not fight me or you know where this knife will end up."

He did know.

As they both began to back up to the stairs, with Tina still tightly gripping him, Rowan tried to think of every possible escape move he could do. Morgan was resting, she wasn't here. He just had to calm down and think straight. He had the whole way up the stairs to think about this.

That's when he heard a set of footsteps running down the top of the stairs. Tina whipped them both around, alarmed, and Alyssa punched her right in the face, sending Tina down unconscious before she hit the stairs.

Rowan was in complete shock. He looked at Tina, unconscious, then looked at Alyssa, who was angry.

"I just got here, I didn't see her enter the house. She must have been here a while" she said. "I wasn't going to let that bitch take you like that. I got you Rowan."

"Th....thanks...." he replied, still shocked. he leaned himself against the rail of the stairs, feeling faint.

 he leaned himself against the rail of the stairs, feeling faint

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"Hey now," said Alyssa, balancing him. "Everything's alright. Deep breaths."

"I know, thank you" he said, "It's just....she almost....again" he began to choke.

"Hey, hey," she pulled him in for a hug. "It didn't happen. It wasn't going to happen. You're still safe here okay?"

Rowan nodded, wiping away some tears.

She grabbed Rowan's phone from the counter.

"Call the police. I have to go hide. I was never here, okay? I'll be in your room if you want to talk."

Alyssa disappeared into the darkness, and Rowan dialed with his shaken hands.

The police showed up within 5 minutes. Two officers grabbed Tina just as she was regaining consciousness.

"Violating your restraining order I see, Ms. Roberts." said one of the officers.

Tina groaned.

"Ah, shit," said the cop, "I left the cuffs in my other car."

"How the fuck did you forget your cuffs?" asked the second cop.

"Here," said Rowan reaching into his bag, "I have a pair."

The officers stared at him for a moment.

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