Chapter 6

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   "Chris sounds like he knows his stuff."

"He sure does," Rowan replied to Damien. "He's a little socially awkward, but his minds in the right place."

It had been about a month since Rowan first starting working with Chris. So far, they were studying the different types of medicine for M.S and what the side effects were. They were currently in the middle of researching the risks of allergic reactions to mixtures of certain ingredients.

Rowan was currently at Damien's house hanging out. They were in the kitchen cooking dinner for the two of them. Mia had come downstairs, dolled up to go to the movies.

"So tell me how you met this boy again?" Damien asked her.

"None of your business big bro." Mia replied as she was getting her coat on.

"Better not have been through Tinder!" He yelled.

"Yeah Mia we'll kick his ass if it was Tinder." Rowan added.

Mia rolled her eyes. She couldn't flip them off since her hands were occupied with the crutches.

"Tell em' he better have you home by 10 or I'm huntin' his mutha fucking ass down!" Damien exclaimed.

"Love you too," Mia responded and shut the door.

The boys laughed. Rowan always played the big brother with Damien when Mia was involved in any kind of dating.

"Man he better pay" said Damien, and Rowan laughed.

"How she feeling?" Rowan asked.

"She's doing ok. The medicine she's currently on is not doing much in my opinion. It's so painful for her to walk."

"Yeah, we studied that medicine last week," Rowan replied as he was chopping onions. "Fucking sucks."

"So you free this weekend?" Damien asked. "They got the new Marvel movie coming out and I got free tickets for opening night."

"Ah, shit. I kind of got plans that night." said Rowan.

"Man," Damien frowned while grating cheese. "What kind of plans you got that are better than Marvel??"

"I'm sort of....doing charity work with Morgan." said Rowan as he started chopping peppers.

"Oh wow, I'm impressed." said Damien. "Yeah, I suppose that's pretty important. What kind of charity work?"

Rowan was sure to face away from him as he smirked in response.

"Feeding the hungry..."

Morgan slammed Rowan against the wall of the dungeon and this time it was her turn to shove her tongue down his throat. Except with her, she used her tongue she has while in flying form, which meant it stretched out to the back of Rowan's gag reflex. She also had her claws lightly scratching down his back.

"Close your eyes." she ordered.

Rowan obeyed, and he felt his body being flipped and twisted. He was being strapped to something, and then he suddenly felt his body become upside down.

"You may now look"

He opened his eyes, and realized his feet were fastened to a chain connected to the ceiling, and his hands were fastened to a chain connecting to the floor. He was hanging in the middle of the dungeon.

"Are you going to be my good boy and do what I say?"

"Yes Mistress," Rowan replied.

Morgan held a medium size whip. This was his third time in the dungeon, but this was going to be his first time trying the whip.

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