Chapter 8

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   Classes had ended and finals were now in progress. Rowan had just finished his last exam. He was done for another year. Although he would still have to work at the lab over summer, but he was more than okay with that. Mia had been really excited that he started searching for better treatment. She got a little too cocky and told her friends at school she was going to be CURED, but Mr. Hayes was able to put a stop to that.

Rowan stopped by Morgan's house to visit her before going home. She was getting ready to sleep for a few days. He walked into her room, and noticed she was propped up on the bed, talking on the phone with a student. She was giving them some essay writing advice. She gave him a quick smile then went back to talking. Must be a phone appointment, Rowan thought.

He examined what she was wearing. It was a short, black silk lounge robe. Her legs were bare. He experienced another major horny side effect last night and jacked off himself, but just looking at her made him a little anxious again.

He slowly made his way around the bed until he was standing in front of her. He gazed at her, trying to get a good view in between her legs, but couldn't see anything. Something then ran across his mind that he had not tried yet with Morgan, and he found himself wanting to do it, desiring it. He even wondered if he could sneak himself to do it while she was on the phone.

"No, Cynthia," she said into the phone. "I mean, yes, that IS a good thesis, but remember you have to also argue with the facts too."

He smirked, then slowly crawled onto the bed with her. He lowered his body down and kissed her ankle. She lightly kicked his face away, as if to say, "no, not right now." But he was determined.

He grabbed her ankle and held it down. She wasn't looking at him. He ran his lips slightly all over her lower leg as she said, "Yes, so for example, the color red would symbolize prostitution."

Rowan kissed up her leg until he reached her thigh. She tried to close her legs but it was a weak attempt, as if she wasn't sure if she wanted him to stop. He pulled her other leg open so he would have more room. His lips went up her thigh until he slowly flipped the robe open. To his delight, she was not wearing underwear.

He heard Morgan gave a slight gasp. "Uh...yeah...." she gently tried to push his forehead away from her core, but it was another weak attempt. "So that color would have to be important in your set design...."

Rowan looked up at her, who was still not looking at him, and he lowered himself down and kissed her core. He heard a gasp, and then clearing her throat. He began to run his tongue along her opening, still holding down her ankle with one hand, and his other wrapped around her thigh.

She kept talking while he ate her out. At times, she stuttered, but made it sound like she was trying to find the right words. She was fighting so hard not to moan. Rowan got sneaky and slid his tongue inside her, beginning to penetrate her with it.

"Oh....right....the end of year party" Morgan mumbled. "Yes....yes I'm going to come..."

Rowan chuckled at the pun. He decided to finish her off by circling around her clit, hitting her right where the sensitiveness was.

Her breathing picked up as she came closer to her climax. He was determined to not stop. She arched her back slightly as she orgasmed, whispering a moan.

After she relaxed from such intense pleasure, he began to lift himself up but she held his head there until the call ended.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she said to him.

He smirked, "What, you didn't like it?"

She looked at him finally, "Well now you gotta finish what you started."

He smiled at her then quickly tore off her robe. She was naked, and he loved seeing her that way. He quickly took off his t shirt and crashed his lips onto hers. He grinded himself up against her. He tried to tear off his pants but kept messing up. Morgan was able to take them off with her super vampire speed.

  He plunged himself into her, not wasting any time

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He plunged himself into her, not wasting any time. He embraced their bodies making love, pressing against each other, holding each other tightly. He balanced himself so he could look her in the eyes. He loved this woman so much. He wasn't sure why, but in this moment he felt he was certain, that she was...the one? Maybe?

Yes, she was. Who else held him like this? Who else cared for him like this? Who reacted so amazingly to his pleasure? Sometimes they say you just know when you find the right person. Rowan had been with enough girls to know, but he may have just been experiencing lots of lust. But either way, he took note of his wonderful thought, and kept it in the back of his head.

They laid together, cuddled, after an intense love making session together. Rowan was slowly stroking her arms.

"I love you Rowan," Morgan said into his chest.

"I love you too Morgan," he replied. "I love you so much."

"I got to be honest," she said, "I don't understand how you feel your best sex was with an undead girl."

He smiled, "You may be undead, but sex with you has the most life in it that I've ever experienced."

Morgan smiled back, "You know what? It's the same with me. I've been with lots of humans, but you have the most of a human heart than anyone I know."

She stroked his cheek, then his chest, "So pure, so good."

He held her for as long as he could, until it got dark out. He frowned at the idea of leaving, but he did promise a cooked dinner for Ethan.

He watched Morgan dress herself for her slumber. Black tights and a black long sleeve. She lit the candles that were at the head and foot of her large casket shaped stone bed.

"I must slumber now," she said, "I need the rest."

He took her hands, "I'll come back when you wake. Rest well my dear."

He watched her climb onto the stone bed. Morgan crossed her arms, and to his surprise, began to float when she laid back. She laid horizontally, floating over the stone bed, asleep for the next 3 days.

The first thing he noticed when pulling into his driveway was that Ethan's car was not there. Must be working late, Rowan thought. He figured he would at least get dinner started.

He walked up onto the porch and unlocked his door. The lights in the house were off. Rowan didn't figure being out past dark as he fumbled for the light switch. Damn, can't find it. He knew his way around the house anyways. He walked over to the living area and felt for the light switch on his lamp.

As soon as he turned the lamp on, a black gloved hand suddenly came around and covered his mouth before he had a chance to scream. He went to fight the hand off him when another gloved hand came to his throat, pressing a small switchblade to it. He was trapped.

"Make a sound, and your throat gets slit," said Tina.

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