Chapter 12

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Rowan changed into his submissive outfit quite quickly. He was able to put the leash on himself now, as well as put the cuffs on. He could hook them together behind his back without looking, a trick Morgan taught him.

He walked out from the changing area, and kneeled down in front of the fireplace. The fire was warm, reflecting off his bare chest. He stared into the fire, wondering how the vampire fight was going to go down. He didn't think too much of it right now. He wanted to be focused on his mistress right now.

He didn't even here her come into the dungeon, but he heard her walking up behind him. That slow, mistress walk, in her boots. He suddenly felt her hand run up his back and around his throat, reaching for the chain. She yanked it so his head flew back, looking up at her.

Morgan attacked him with a deep kiss. She broke the kiss and turned him so he faced her. He began to get up from his knees, but she pushed him back down. She slowly began to undo her front snaps.

"Since you insisted on trying this last time, now you pay" she said.

Rowan didn't pause, cause he wanted it. He pressed his mouth against her core and began to enjoy her. He heard her moaning softly, which made him more turned on. He so badly wanted to finger her as he licked her, yet his cuffs reminded him that his hands were restrained.

He continued making out with her sex, and felt her hand grab his hair. He tried to slip his tongue inside, but it was a little hard to do when she was standing up. He decided to pay more attention to her clit, to which he felt the grip in his hair tightening.

"Oh...fuck..." she whispered. "Don't you dare stop fuckboy."

He obeyed her, continuing until she reached her orgasm. She pushed him away from her quickly afterwards.

"Face the fireplace again," she ordered.

Rowan heard her walking over to the other side of the dungeon, and heard a drawer open. He was curious but knew better not to look around.

He heard her walk up behind him again.

"Want to try something new?" she asked.

"What would that be?" Rowan said.

She didn't answer right away, "Can I blindfold you?"

Rowan's eyebrows raised. He never thought about trying that before. I mean, he saw movies and stuff where sex scenes had blindfolds, but he never actually pictured himself being blindfolded.

"Yes, Mistress." he said confidently.

A piece of black silk suddenly covered his eyes, and he could no longer see. He felt Morgan guide him onto his feet. He suddenly felt himself being lifted, then being strapped onto something. He figured out he was on the X frame again. But something felt different this time. He suddenly realized the gravity he was feeling didn't match his last experience.

He wasn't standing. He was on an X frame....that was on the ceiling! Rowan gasped when he realized it. Without knowing it, his body started squirming.

At that moment a sharp leather sting wacked across his chest. Rowan yelped, startled. He could hear Morgan walking around him on the ceiling.

"That's right, take it." she said. The wack came again, stinging him. He cried out, but in pleasure.

He then felt Morgan mount him, and began lightly bouncing on his dick. He moaned, wanting to enter her so bad.

Rowan quickly felt himself being unstrapped. Then he was whisked around and strapped to something else now. The feel of gravity told him he was lying down. He figured out he was now on the massage table.

He felt what he guessed was the flogger run lightly all over his body, tickling his skin. Rowan twitched at the touch.

"What are you?" Morgan asked him.

"Your fuckboy, Mistress." Rowan responded. "I'm your fuckboy. Your slave. I'm yours."

He suddenly felt the flogger smack him in his thighs. He jolted. It was so different getting whipped with a blindfold. Rowan realized his body would naturally brace itself for being whipped. But because he couldn't see, his body didn't know when the whipping would happen. Which made this a little more painful, but he loved it.

Another whip came down across his stomach.

"OH GOSH!" Rowan screamed in pleasure. "Oh Mistress."

The whips continued, and he cried out each time. Not only did Morgan need this, but he did too.

He felt the snaps get ripped off, and finally felt the warmth of her beginning to ride him. She went rough, and he enjoyed it. She slammed herself down onto him as he continued to cry out. He felt the entire massage table start to shake.

"Fuck me Mistress," he said in between breaths. "Take all of me."

He then felt what he guessed were her claws, run all over his chest as she continued to straddle him. She was digging into him quite deep, but it made him come closer to his climax.

"I'm...I'm going to..." said Rowan in between breaths.

Just then, the table gave away underneath them. It collapsed, having them fall right to the stone floor. But Morgan kept slamming herself onto him, not stopping. Rowan was still cuffed, but because the table broke he had a bit more freedom. He wrapped his tied hands around Morgan's neck, still blindfolded, plunging himself into her. Rowan felt his back starting to bruise from the fall, but he had to get his climax. He needed to get there, then he'll worry about his back.

Rowan cried out as they both reached their orgasms at the same time. After coming down from his high, Morgan took the blindfold off him. They did indeed break the table.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah, it was worth it." Rowan said, catching his breath. He sat up while she was still on him, and they made out passionately in front of the fire. She uncuffed him so he could hold her. Morgan kissed down his neck and his chest, and he felt her lick him. He looked down and realized the scratches she made were bleeding, and she was licking the blood off him. He smiled.

  "I hope I'm not too sore for the fight," he said

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"I hope I'm not too sore for the fight," he said.

She looked up at him, "You'll have me to watch you."

They both changed into house robes she had for them, and Morgan helped Rowan up to her room. She decided he would fall asleep in her bed tonight and not the dungeon. She made him a cup of warm tea.

Rowan stood looking out her window, then wrapped an arm around her.

"Thank you for feeding me," he heard her whisper.

He kissed her forehead. "No need to thank me. It's my job, for life."

"Forever" she said, and held him tighter.

He smiled, "Forever, Morgan..."

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