Chapter 13

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  Carter and Skylar never returned the following day.

Morgan and Elijah were constantly calling them. It was approaching nightfall. The vampires were going to be hunting them soon.

"Where the fuck are they???" Morgan cried out.

Elijah had planned to fight with them as well. The two of them were trying not to panic while Rowan got them some plasma juice.

"I appreciate you trying to calm us down, Rowan," said Elijah, "But I can hear your heart pounding."

He wasn't wrong.

"Where is Giovanni??" Elijah asked. "I need him here. I hope something didn't happen to him..."

"The sun is just barely up," Morgan said, "As long as he gets here before the sun is down he's safe. Where the fuck is Alyssa too???"

At that moment, they heard a thud near the front door. Elijah immediately threw himself in front of Rowan, protecting him.

The front door opened and Giovanni stepped through quickly. Elijah sighed with relief. But Gio looked angry.

"Lock all the doors and shut the windows" Giovanni remarked.

"What's going on?" Morgan said, not moving. "Where's everyone else?"

Gio closed his eyes, "They're not coming."

Everyone stood frozen.

Giovanni turned around. "I tried to go find Carter and Skylar, and they already knew we were planning to fight with them. They insisted they go themselves, alone. They took off and didn't even tell me where the fight was going to be. Carter blocked it from my head so I couldn't try to sense it."
"What!" Morgan and Elijah said in sync. "How did they figure out?"

"They were watching Rowan's house one night and they apparently felt his energy of preparing for a fight...."

Rowan's heart broke. He remembered that night. He was in his room practicing fighting stances and researching how to fight vampires. He felt like he just cost the Allens their lives. He felt faint, feeling tears from in his eyes.

  "Hey, hey

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"Hey, hey..." said Elijah, catching him. Morgan held Rowan on the other side.

"Listen," said Elijah, "It's not your fault okay? You didn't do anything wrong. You're human, you can't control what they sense."

Rowan took a deep breath, and nodded, still feeling a little guilty.

"Wait," said Morgan, "Where's Alyssa?"

Giovanni shook his head, "I don't know, she texted me saying to lock the house down without her. We need to do this now."

As hard as it was for the Allen children, they did not disobey Gio's orders. They went vampire speed around the house, shutting all the curtains, locking every window and door.

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