Chapter 3

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The dungeon had a small changing room hidden off to the side with a wardrobe closet. Morgan opened it, revealing 3 outfits.

"These are our dominant outfits." she said, "Carter's, Skylar's, and mine."

"They fuck humans while still together?" Rowan asked.

"Oh yeah, it's not really cheating. Sometimes they even do three ways." she replied. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of black leather pants.

"These are yours," she said. "Go into the changing room and put these on. You are to wear ONLY these. Not even your underwear."

"Yes ma'm." said Rowan. Morgan grabbed his arm.

"You refer to me as Mistress down here, is that understood?" she said, grinning.

"Yes...mistress" said Rowan.

"Oh, I forgot," said Morgan, "We should establish a safe word, so you can stop things if it gets too much for you."

Rowan thought for a moment, "What about cardiac? Since, like, I have a beating heart?"

Morgan smiled, "That's actually really clever. I like it. Cardiac it is."

He smiled back and pulled the curtain back so he can change. He took off all his clothes, socks, his underwear, and slipped into the pants. Even though they were leather, they were a comfortable fit. He was able to bend, squat, and stretch in the pants. He looked at himself in the mirror. The pants had snaps around his groin area. Must be for easy access, Rowan thought.

 Must be for easy access, Rowan thought

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He stepped out into the dungeon. He walked around, viewing all the toys he was about to experience. He felt a wave of excitement and arousal wash over him.

Morgan emerged from the changing area. She was wearing a black sports bra, with black tights and black boots. He noticed she also had snaps in her groin area in her tights. To finish the look, she wore a long black trench coat. Rowan just wanted to take her right there, but she was the one in charge tonight.

She walked over to him and let him to the fireplace.

"Face the fireplace and kneel." she said.

Rowan did so.

"This is how you will present yourself to me every feeding session. You wait for me in this position. Understood?"

"Yes Mistress" said Rowan.

He heard her walk over to a wall. He kept his eyes on the fire.

"Now I will use harsh language, and I may be a bit rough with you. Are you okay with that?" he heard her say.

"I am" said Rowan.

He heard her walk back. Then he felt her attached something to his neck. He realized it was a black collar, with a long chain. It was...a leash. Exciting.

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