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Scientist: 'Can you do anything at all? You're not even good for getting coffee ... I've never seen a shame like you in the Foundation. '
I looked at the coffee stain on the scientist's lab coat.
Y / N: 'I'm sorry.'
Scientist: 'Pathetic! Watch that you get away hopefully you will die at the next containment breach!'
Y / N: '(In thought) Hopefully at the next containment breach the SCP's will tear you to pieces and eat you you little miserable bastard!'
I turned and tried to walk past the grinning MTF guard without looking him in the eyes.
He let me stumble a few moments ago and was actually responsible for the incident.
But whatever...
It is always the easiest to trample on one of the weakest, if not the weakest.
These are humans, from the outside they look like your well-being is important to them, but in the end they are just disgusting monsters.
That's exactly what I hate about them, this false, cunning nature.
Maybe I should just stop.
Yes that is a good idea.
Just stop leaving all the crap here behind me.
I will just go to my manager and ask for my release.
What's in the way?
Nobody in the Foundation relies on a weak and clumsy doormat like me.
That's it.
I will go to my manager now and immediately request my release.
Accelerating my step, I walked with a little anticipation down the corridor of the foundation on the way to my department supervisor's office.
After a while of walking I was standing in front of his office.
The lamp above his door was red.
I sat on one of the benches in front of his office and waited for him to find a moment to listen to me.
A beep sounded a few minutes later and the door opened.
I looked out of my chair through the door frame into his office.
Supervisor: 'Come in already!'
I quickly sat up and entered his office.
Supervisor: 'So what's your concern?'
He asked without looking up from his pile of papers.
Y / N: 'I want to be released from the Foundation's service.'
Supervisor: 'So dismissal?'
Y / N: 'Yes.'
Supervisor: 'Well, would you please tell me your ID?'
Y / N: 'Of course.'
I raised my card.
Y / N: 'X5s3RtZ2MrL763Sc'
The bearded scientist in front of me typed my ID into his computer and clicked on my profile.
Supervisor: 'So Mr. Y / N / L / N is that correct?'
Y / N: 'It's right.'
Supervisor: 'May I ask why you want to be released from the Foundation?'
Y / N: 'This work just doesn't suit me.'
Supervisor: 'To what extent? Working with the SCP's or contact with other employees? '
Y / N: 'I'd rather chose the second answer.'
Manager: 'If I understand correctly, wouldn't it make more sense to move to another area?'
I was transferred 2 months ago and quickly messed it up with my new work colleagues.
Y / N: 'No, I think I will continue to insist on being released.'
He nodded.
Supervisor: 'All right, I see that you have no special value for the Foundation, so there is nothing to prevent you from being released.'
He clicked on something in his computer and the printer started to print out some sheets.
Supervisor: 'Just sign here, here and here.'
He gave me a ballpoint pen and handed me the stack of papers.
I signed in the columns and handed the stack back to him.
Supervisor: 'All right. I see you had access to sensitive data. '
He pulled out another piece of paper from his pile of sheets.
Supervisor: 'In that case, you have to fill out this one too.'
I took it and read it.
The Foundation is not liable for psychological damage that may occur after usage of Class A amnestics.
Y / N: 'What happens if I don't fill this one out.'
He looked up.
Supervisor: 'Then your release will be refused.'
So I nodded a little price for my freedom.
I took a deep breath one last time.
It will be over soon.
I filled out the sheet and gave it back to the man.
Supervisor: 'Then you're done now.'
He sorted the notes on his desk and connected them with a stapler.
Supervisor: 'I will submit your proposal for dismissal later to the O5 Council's office. I think we will get an answer in 2 days at the latest.'
I nodded.
Y / N: 'Thank you.'
Supervisor: 'Have a nice evening.'
Y / N: 'Goodbye to you too.'
I left his office and made my way to the Foundation exit to start my journey home.
I'll be free soon.
I smiled and went even faster towards the exit to get there out quickly as possible

Next day

I went to my lousy colleagues full of joy and surprised them with my good mood.
Scientist: "Oh today we're in a good mood. What's the reason for that? '
Y / N: 'Today is probably my last working day. I asked for my dismissal.'
They looked at each other in amazement.
Scientist: 'That's great! Hopefully the amnestics will have side effects for you, so that you become a nursing case! That would be really laughable and funny! '
As always, they were toxic and cynical.
Disgusting people.
Head up it's probably only today and then I'm away from here.
Then I can get a little cheekier now.
Y / N: 'I do not hope for the side effects, but I am very happy that I no longer have to endure your ridiculous visages.'
They looked at me in surprise and hurt in their honor.
Scientist: 'How dare you speak to us like this?'
I left the room and the door closed behind me.
The scientist wanted to come after me but the door didn't open.
Scientist: 'You little idiot open the goddamn door!'
I looked puzzled.
Then an alarm sounded, the lamps in the aisles switched off and were replaced a little later by red reserve lamps.
What's this?
A containment breach?
The scientists were now pounding the door in panic and fear.
Scientist: 'Please open the door!'
My expression changed to a pitiless smile.
Y / N: 'Now you're probably going to die ...'
The glass behind them broke and a black gas filled the room that devoured them.
I heard their suffocating screams through the door.
It soon turned into a painful crying.
The scientist came to the door, his clothes, hands and head severely burned.
His hand wiped along the window pane as he fell to the floor and died.
I could see the bloody handprint that spanned the entire pane.
When I turned away I realized that I was also in danger.
I have to find an emergency bunker quickly.
Without hesitation I ran in the direction in front of me, I think one of these bunkers is there.
As I run down the shimmering red passage I came across a torn wall.
I fell and sprained my foot.
Damn why does that have to happen right now?
Y / N: 'Aaaaah! Damn it!'
I immediately regretted saying something.
Steps came up to me and I saw a figure wrapped in a medieval plague robe coming out of the hole in the wall.
Wasn't that SCP-094?
No, that was SCP-049.
Damn it!
I tried desperately to move away from him but no chance.
He turned and looked at me through his beak-like mask.
I heard his deep muffled laugh as he ran towards me.

Blutrotes Rosenmeer (SCP-953 x "Nine Tailed Fox" OP MTF Squad Leader (Reader))Where stories live. Discover now