Long road

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6 years later

'Then we're done for today.' I finished the last session while looking at my black digital clock.
It was 7:30 p.m, after work.
I let out a relieved sigh, the exhausting day was finally over, I thought as I leaned back on the black leather armchair and watched the other O5's.
None of them lived in the Foundation like most of the Researcher personnel and MTF soldiers, so since my return as O5-1 I have decided that the O5 council should meet only once a week to decide over important topics.
In special cases we have also had video conferences, but usually weekly meetings are sufficient.
Luckily I'm returning home today, actually I never wanted to be away from home for more than a day, but there was something special that I bought for Himari.
I took the little black box out of my pocket and opened it.
A simple white gold ring shimmered in the box.
I thought back briefly to all the time I spent with her, to the family I had created with her, she was definitely the woman who deserved this ring.
'Tomorrow I will propose to her.' I said while I let the box disappear into my pocket and also left the conference room.
I still had a while until 8:00 p.m. so I decided to visit Himari's old cell.
Her cell has been empty since she was removed from the SCP database, but I visited her cell every now and then to remember the most exciting time of my career.
Soon I reached Hallway-99, I've been here so often that I recognized every corner from far already.
The laboratory still looked the way I remembered it, the old equipment was still installed which was used before the renovation from three years ago and it was a bit dusty, apparently no cleaning has been done here for some time.
I looked around and slowly went down the stairs.
The hallway itself was as dusty as the laboratory, I thought as I went down Hallway-99 to get to her former cell.
A little later I was standing in front of the door to her cell, the scanner still seemed to work.
I unlocked the door and looked into the room.
It was empty and dusty too.
Her cell was emptied after she was officially released, and now it's just an empty room.
A look at my watch told me it was 19:53.
Well, I should start my way back now so that I could be home on time tomorrow.
I confirmed myself with a nod and left the room.

An hour later

While my car sped at top speed over the lonely country road and the landscape raced past me, I thought about the upcoming scenario.
It will undoubtedly be one of the most important moments in my life.
While I was clutching the steering wheel, I continued to think about the situation.
How will she react?
She loved me as much as I loved her, but I didn't know if she was ready for marriage.
'No, she won't reject me!' I said and gave myself new courage.
That's just normal nervousness.
In reality, I don't need to worry, after all, she was ready to have a child with me.
I remembered the situation that is still roaming around in my head until this day.

A few years earlier

'I know you're not ready for a child yet, honey,' Himari said with a gentle smile as she gently stroked my hand.
I looked at her in surprise.
"You know, I'm actually a spirit turned into human form, so pregnancy works a little differently for me than for normal humans, I can get pregnant but I can control my pregnancy and I think when it's the best when We're waiting with kids until we're married, don't you think so too, honey? "she added.
I nodded, but didn't know what to say.
All my thinking has already adjusted to the fact of having a child with Himari and now I am learning that it is so much different from what I would have expected.
'Are you okay, Y / N? Don't you like it? "She asked me now with a bit of nervousness in her voice.
I looked up at her and hastily shook my head.
'No, you just surprised me a little, but I also think it's the best idea to have a child after marriage.' I answered while holding my hands protectively in front of me.

Flashbask ending

I turned my attention back to the road and continued my journey home, with every second my anticipation and nervousness grew.

Some time later.

The large gates of my palatial estate opened one more time to give me access to the huge area behind the gates.
I don't know how many times I've passed this gate already, but now I was happy to be home, to be reunited with Himari after the long drive.
Half an hour earlier I called her to let her know that I will be home soon and she was as happy as ever.
How could I expect anything else?
I continued my way and soon reached the large driveway in front of my property.
The big front door opened and Himari came out onto the porch waving for me with a bright smile covering her cute face while I parked in front of the property and slowly got out of the car. Himari jumped straight into my arms and hugged my tightly and lovingly.
'I've missed you so much, honey!' She said as she tightened her hug.
Our love hasn't diminished in the whole six years, we loved each other just as gushingly and intensely as on the first day of our relationship.
I put my arms around her while she pushed me against the car and kissed me softly, exactly like I loved it.
We closed our eyes and gave and gave to each other completely, as so often before.
After a few seconds our lips parted and she left me with the conviction that the right thing to do is to marry her here and now.
Not now, I need the right moment.
Tonight in the glow of the evening sun on the terrace...
There will be the right place for the proposal.
'Is something wrong?' Himari asked with a concerned expression. Looking into my eyes deeply and lovingly.
I shook my head.
'No, no, everything is fine, just let me stay with you and I'm happy!' I replied while giving her a reassuring smile.
She smiled again and let go of me.
'Then come in quickly, I've already made you breakfast!' She replied, closing the car door while she grabbed my wrist and pulled me after her into my property.

(Alright, sorry for the late update, I had some problems writing this chapter, but now it's out!, Hopefully I can update regularity again now.)

Blutrotes Rosenmeer (SCP-953 x "Nine Tailed Fox" OP MTF Squad Leader (Reader))Where stories live. Discover now