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SCP-049 ran towards me as he laughed at me.
I tried to move away from him, pale with panic.
But this is quite difficult with a sprained leg.
He came closer to me and grabbed my healthy leg.
Then he pulled me behind my leg through the hole in the wall.
I probably found myself in his cell.
He came slowly towards me and opened his coat.
He showed me one of his many syringes.
SCP-049: 'I will cure the pestilence in you my dear patient.'
He came up to me and I tried to move away from him with my hands.
At some point I felt the cool cell wall on my back.
I have to fight, I won't just give up my life like that.
SCP-049 now stood in front of me and I raised my fists protectively in front of me.
Without saying a word, he grabbed my arm and rammed the syringe into my main artery.
I felt the sting and then the burning of the substance that spreads in my body.
When he gave me the whole syringe, he pulled it out of my arm and put it back under his robe.
SCP-049: 'You are cured now my Dear Patient.'
He looked at me briefly but then turned and left his cell leaving me.
Was that it already?
That wasn't as bad as I would have imagined.
I wanted to sit up and wait.
No chance, I couldn't move.
Now I felt a strange warmth spread through my body.
I slowly became weaker and I lost consciousness.
That's the end.
I'm dying now.
Then I passed out.
A few hours later.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw only white.
What's going on here?
I looked around I was in an infirmary.
Many medical devices have been connected to me.
The door opened and a doctor came in.
Doctor: 'Mr. L / N! You are awake! '
Y / N: 'What's going on here?'
Doctor: 'You survived an attack of SCP-049.'
Y / N: 'survived?'
My memories slowly came back to me.
Doctor: 'Maybe you still remember what he did to you?'
I thought for a moment.
Y / N: 'I think he gave me an injection with some black stuff.'
Doctor: 'An injection? Then we have to take blood from you. "
The doctor left the room and came back with a device a little later.
Doctor: 'It will only sting a little.'
He rubbed my skin on the elbow with an ointment and put a plaster over it.
Then he took a needle and stuck it in my arm.
He turned on the machine and it started drawing some of my blood.
After a few seconds he switched it off again.
Doctor: 'Then our laboratory will test your blood now.'
He took the blood sample and left the room.
I slowly tried to get up.
I had a splint attached to my sprained leg so that I can walk again.
I got up and left the room.
The doctor came to meet me in the hallway.
Doctor: 'Mr. L / N you need to quickly go back to your room. You must relax for a while!'
He opened the door.
I probably had no choice, so I returned to my room and went back to bed.

Two days later.

The doctor came back to my room.
Doctor: 'Good morning Mr. L / N. Our blood tests are done. "
Y / N: 'That's good, is everything okay with me?'
He put a stack of paper on the edge of my bed.
Doctor: 'Well, your blood tests showed strange values. Then we checked your cell structure and your DNA and found something very strange. "
Y / N: 'Something strange?'
Doctor: 'On the one hand, your DNA is different from that of an ordinary person. It is much more complex. In addition, your cell structure has changed significantly. You have components in your cells that we cannot interpret. But what is certain is that this maybe had changed you so much. '
Y / N: 'Changed?'
The doctor took a mirror out of his pocket and gave it to me.
I looked at myself and was startled.
Actually, I looked almost the same as before, but my hair color changed to a silvery white and I also saw fiery red eyes.
Was this really me?
Y / N: 'This isn't me!'
Doctor: 'No that's you.'
I looked at him in confusion.
Doctor: 'However you were here for surveillance reasons. I recommend wearing the splint for a maximum of 2 weeks. If you are otherwise fine, you can go now. But you should come back every week so that I can check your values. '
I nodded.
Y / N: 'Thanks.'I got up and put my lab coat back on and left the infirmary.
Y / N: 'My entire work area has been destroyed. I think I should go back to my supervisor and ask him what to do next.'
I went towards his office and soon arrived.
The door was open.
Supervisor: 'Just come in Mr. L / N I was already expecting you.'
Y / N: 'Expecting?'
Supervisor: 'As you probably know, your work colleagues died in the last containment breach.'
Y / N: 'I heard about it and I'm here to ask how it will go on.'
Supervisor: 'That's the thing. I do not know that. But I received the order to send you to the O5 Council, which comes from O5-1 personally. "
Y / N: 'O5-1 !?'
Supervisor: 'Exactly.'
What does the founder of the foundation want from me?
Supervisor: 'Unfortunately I don't know what their reasons are, but I have received your application for dismissal.'
Y / N: 'How did it go?'
He pushed the sheet of paper across the desk.
I took it and read.
Special comments: Due to recent events, the application to dismiss Mr. / Mrs. Y / N L / N were rejected.
Signed: O5-1.
Y / N: 'O5-1 personally rejected my request?'
Supervisor: 'Yes, it looks like this to me.'
At that moment a Squad of MTF Guards comes into the office.
MTF Guard: 'Are you Y / N L / N?'
Y / N: 'Yes, I am.'
He nodded.
MTF Guard: 'All right, please follow us, the O5 Council asks to see you.'
Y / N: 'Me?'
MTF Guard: 'Yes.'I nodded and followed them.
They led me through some areas and stopped at a large door.
The MTF guard pressed a button.
MTF Guard: 'As requested, we brought the employee Y / N L / N to your room.'
???: 'Very good let him in.'
He nodded and the squad took a few steps back.
The massive door in front of me opened and an old man in foundation clothes came out.
???: 'Hello Mr. L / N. I am O5-1. 'I shook hands with him.
Y / N: 'Honor is entirely on my side.'
O5-1 signaled me to enter the room.
I went with him inside the dark room and the door closed behind him.

Blutrotes Rosenmeer (SCP-953 x "Nine Tailed Fox" OP MTF Squad Leader (Reader))Where stories live. Discover now