Containment Breach Part 1

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In the following days I spent a lot of time to improve my skills, not only did I have extremely supernatural skills from the beginning but I learned much faster than a average human.
The whole MTF unit came to me in the hall.
MTF Captain: "So Y / N an ordinary person should actually have been trained for at least two years, but you are now far beyond the capabilities of every soldier in the Foundation. Your last challenge should be a duel against me. '
I looked at him in surprise.
The captain faced me.
Y / N: 'One moment.'
Now he looked at me in surprise.
MTF Captain: 'What's up?'
Y / N: 'I still don't know your name.'
MTF Captain: 'Oh yes, please excuse me. We're an elite unit so we don't know our real names but my code name is Cody. "
I nodded and he went back into a fighting stance.
Cody: 'Ready?'
I nodded and he rushed towards me.
With ease I fended off his punches and kicks with just one arm.
Cody: 'You are incredibly fast.'
I dodged a kick and thundered my elbow between his ribs.
He was thrown back a few meters and fell to the ground coughing.
He got up slowly again.
Cody: 'Ouch, that hurt a lot!'
The unit looked at me in shock.
Cody: 'They are only surprised because you are the first to win against me in close combat.'
Still panting and coughing, he went off the mat.
Cody: 'I never want to be your opponent.'
Cody: 'Your training is now complete. You are now a full member of Nine-tailed Fox. now'
He shook my hand.Cody: '
Welcome to the unit!'
The other members also shook my hand.
A red light turned on again.
It was like a containment breach.
A shiver ran down my spine.
An intercom switched on.
Intercom: 'Warning: A containment breach of class three has occurred. The MTF units Epsilon-11, Sigma-66 and Omega 12 must appear immediately in the main strategy center on level 2! I repeat, there was a class three containment breach. The MTF units Epsilon-11, Sigma-66 and Omega 12 must appear immediately in the main strategy center on level 2! '
While the red light was illuminating the room we quickly put on our equipment, took our weapons and quickly went to level two.
There we were assigned to a sector of the Foundation that we should secure.
We got the east area and should bring SCP-953 and SCP-166 back to their containment area.
Cody protested at SCP-166 but was told that my ability would likely make me immune to her succubus effects, so I was ordered to bring her back to her cell.
After the discussions, we immediately made our way to the east area of ​​the facility.
The light illuminated the dark corridors as we secured the area with rifles drawn.
Some of the men started to complain of a big feeling of pleasure.
Cody: 'Hey Y / N. Do you feel that too? '
I turned and looked at him in surprise.
Y / N: 'What should I feel?'
He nodded.
Cody: 'I'm afraid that they should have sent you alone. You now have free rein. If you meet 953, she'll probably try to attack you. You have the right to terminate her if she gets dangerous.. '
I nodded and continued walking down the dark corridor alone.
It was quiet and calm.
Then I heard a muffled soft cry.
I slowly walked in the direction from which the crying came.
I went around an intersection and entered a small room filled with shelves.
A naked girl with long blonde hair was sitting in a corner, holding her hands in front of her face and crying.
I went up to her.
Y / N: 'Hello ...'
I knelt down to her and looked her in the eyes.
???: 'Who are you?'
Y / N: 'I'm Y / N is something wrong with you?'
???: 'Everyone is dead. There were employees who wanted to get me out of my cell but then they suddenly pulled pistols and shot each other. They laughed so cruelly.'
She was crying again.
Y / N: 'They shot themselves?'
She nodded and looked up again.
Y / N: 'What happened then?'
???: 'I got scared and ran away and now I am hiding here. Are you going to hurt me? '
I shook my head and took off my helmet.
Y / N: 'I won't hurt you. Come with me here, it's not safe. I will take you back to safety. '
She nodded and slowly got up.
???: 'Thank you.'
Y / N: 'Stay behind me then I can protect you.'
She stood behind me and I took out my radio.
Y / N: 'I have found a blonde girl here, I will bring her to you now.'
I heard a rustling.
Cody: 'A blonde girl? This is SCP-166 bring her back to her cell  never bring her to us. Understood? (* Noise) '
Y / N: 'All right.'
I took a map of the east area out of my pocket and looked at the shortest route to her cell.
Y / N: 'Now I know where to go. Come along.'
SCP-166: 'Do you want to take me back to my cell?'
I turned to look in her eyes again.
Y / N: 'I know that this isn't a nice place for you at the moment, but it is currently the safest place for you, please come with me.'
She thought for a moment, but then eased off and followed me.
SCP-166: 'What do you do when we meet someone else?'
Y / N: 'It depends on how this person will behave, if he is evil I will kill him, if he is friendly I will let him live.'
She said nothing for the rest of the way.
We stood in front of her cell.
SCP-166: 'Please don't I don't want to see all these bodies.'
Y / N: 'Cover your eyes and I'll carry you to your cell.'
She looked at me in surprise.
SCP-166: 'Carry?'
I nodded.
After a short time, she also nodded and opened her arms.
I took her in my arms and she put her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest as she closed her eyes convulsively.
She was a little close to me but I didn't mind.
I opened the door and entered the room.
There was blood everywhere. Many female employees laid on the ground with pistols and they had bullet holes in their heads.
What a hideous sight.
I went down the stairs to her cell at a higher speed.
The gate opened automatically.
I entered her cell and the gate closed behind us.
Now I released SCP-166.
Her cell was decorated in a minimalist way in her cell there were only a few magazines a small table on which a crucifix chain and a Bible on it.
Y / N: 'I have to go again and secure the rest of the area afterwards I will come back to you okay?'
She looked at me in silence.
I thought she would agree but when I turned to go she took my hand.
SCP-166: 'Please don't leave me alone.'
I turned and looked into her eyes again.
Y / N: 'I have no choice but I will hurry up. I promise I'll be back in 15 minutes.'
She looked at me.
Then she let go of my hand.
SCP-166: 'Swear to the Lord.'
I put my hand on my heart.
Y / N: 'I swear to the Lord that I will be with you again in 15 minutes. Is that enough for you?'
She nodded.
SCP-166: 'You swore it so you have to keep it.'
I turned and left her cell.
In the corridor outside her cell, I took out my radio again.
Y / N: 'I saved and re contained SCP-166. What should I do now?'
Cody: 'SCP-953 you have to find her and bring her back to her cell.'
Y / N: 'And how am I supposed to do that if she is hostile to me?'
Cody: 'You have permission to terminate her when she gets dangerous. Just shoot her off if she doesn't cooperate. '
Y / N: 'Does she have any special features?'
Cody: 'Yes, she wears a kimono, long black hair and ears and tails like a fox. But she has polymorphic abilities. '
Y / N: 'Alright I'll take care of her then.'
I continued down the corridor and started securing the area.
With the rifle raised, I secured one room after another.
After ten minutes I was almost done.
Y / N: 'This is the last corridor.'
I wanted to get my radio out and report to Cody that I couldn't find SCP-953, then I saw a girl sitting in the far end of the corridor.
It was SCP-166.
I came out of my hiding in amazement and went up to her.
Y / N: 'Hey what are you doing here? You should be in your cell. '

Blutrotes Rosenmeer (SCP-953 x "Nine Tailed Fox" OP MTF Squad Leader (Reader))Where stories live. Discover now