real life

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"Have you got everything you need?" Mum asked, hurrying everything into the car.

I was moving out of the family home, which I should have done a couple of months ago.  It was just me and Mum for the last- god knows how long. Mum told me that Dad left before I was born, I never met him. I was just finishing up with an instagram post before replying to mum.

❤︎241,300 likes@evasolanoxall set for the big move! Now to for mum to let me go 😫

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all set for the big move! Now to for mum to let me go 😫

"Yes mum! Now for fuck sake, let me have a minute to breathe" I shouted, losing my shit.

It was all so overwhelming. Having lived in our family home for most of my life and just packing up and moving, it was all a bit much. I thought back to all the memories, me chasing our family cat Murphy, him finally getting revenge by scratching me.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders as I stood lingering in the hall. "I'll miss you, my baby is all grown up" whined mum but I brushed her off. "I'll call you when I get there, okay?" I kissed her cheek before she tried to make me stay a while long; like she had done before. She nodded briskly and ushered me out the door. "Bye love!" She waved and hid behind the door.

I got into my jet black Range Rover Sport and shoved the bags into the back. I connected my playlist to the Bluetooth and pulled out of the driveway. My favourite song came on and I relaxed at the beat.

I sang out all the words and cranked the windows down to feel the breeze in my hair. I flicked open my glovebox to get my sunglasses and put them on my nose bridge.


I pulled into the gates of my new apartment complex. Kid you not, it was the most luxurious complex I'd ever seen. The building stood tall and wide in front of me, causing my mouth to gape open.

I began to haul my belongings out of my car boot till a hand clapped against my shoulder. I jolted at the feeling and immediately spun round. "Hey you!" Simon shouted. It was Simon Minter, my childhood best friend. "Oh my fucking god! Minter!" I screamed, pulling him into a tight hug.

"How did you find me?" I asked excitedly, trying to catch my breath from the thrill and hugs.

"Just happened to be passing by, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I moved out. Couldn't hack it with mum anymore. I've missed you babes!" I screeched again and pulled him in.

We remained like that for a solid thirty seconds before he pulled away.

"Where do you live now?" He blurted out, killing the silence.

"Here!" I gestured to the big building aside us. "This is home, I guess".

Simon and I chatted for a bit before I realised I still needed to unpack. "Listen here, Eva since you gave me your new number,I'll text you and come round to mine tomorrow!" Simon said before disappearing threw a crowd.

I waved him off and turned round to my car. I hauled all my boxes out in an effort to make it in one trip. I stacked them and picked up the bottom one. "Jesus fuck!" I mumbled to myself because the boxes were weighted. As if it was magic, someone spoke up. "Need help with that?"

I recognised the voice immediately set the boxes down and looked up. What my eyes laid upon was unspeakable. It was JJ. "As if!" I shouted and jumped on him. I held him in an embrace for a good while before pulling away. "JJ darling, it's been too long" I whined as I pulled up my jeans.

"Indeed it has! You look hot! Where'd you get the boobs and bum?" He laughed and I felt red. I jokingly punched him in the arm and laughed along with him.

It really had been a while. As I've mentioned before, I grew up with Simon but he also came along with Jide or as I call him JJ. We were truly the most iconic threesome, not in that way. We did everything together until Simon moved away and JJ grew up. I was left for girlfriends and new best friends.

"What you doing here fam?" Asked JJ with a confused look.

I explained my situation to him and he looked at me with a grin.

"What's with that look Jide?" I questioned confusedly.


No reply.

Or that was until he scooped me up and began chanting. "My girls all grown up! My girls all grown up!" He repeated himself over and over. "JJ!" I laughed and fought back the blushing caused from the crowd.

He set me down and patted my shoulder. "Was nice seeing you again, talk soon yeah?"

"Anytime JJ"

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