real life

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Once inside her shared apartment, Eva felt different.

The aroma had changed and there was an odd tone in place. "Will? Gee?" She shouted and awaited a response.

In the silence that followed, a head popped out from the kitchen. It was a familiar face.

"Oh my lord" they gasped.

"Alex!" Eva screeched and dropped her bags, running for the boy.

She engulfed him into a bear hug with emotion and sadness around. "Woah, loosen the grip" she laughed awkwardly. "I lost you once and I ain't loosing you again" Alex Elmslie scolded.

Finally, the girl released herself from his grip and he held her at arms length.

"You need to explain, and fast. Wills going to be home soon and I'm sure you'll be explaining to him and the others" Said Alex, bouncing into the sofa.

"Others?" The Solano girl questioned.

Just then, the door flew open and eight shocked faces appeared.








And Harry.

Eva gulped and have each of their faces an examine. Will had a look of guilt and Vik was thrilled to see her. It was Harry who looked the most excited however.

"Well. Hello?" The brunette girl stuttered with the tension rising.

"It's been seven months and all we get is a 'hello'? Pathetic!" Ethan joked and pulled her into a hug. The embrace then turned itself into a group hug with all the boys bar Will.

Once they separated, Eva have Will an uncomfortable look. "Hi Will" she spoke. "Hi E" Will replied with his eyes on the floor. The awkwardness was there and obvious.

A cough broke the tense moment. It was Wroetoshaw.

"Harry, let me explai-" the girl was interrupted by strong arms around her waist. Harry Lewis had just hugged her. Eva wasn't sure how to feel exactly whether it was happiness or confusion but she didn't care. Eva Solano hugged her ex boyfriend back even harder with the hope that she didn't have to let go.

Harry then slightly pulled her into her own room and shut the door quietly. Eva walked around the room in an ungainly manor. Nothing had changed or moved. It just stayed lifeless, almost as if she was being preserved.

"Eva" Harry sat down on the bed.

The girls eyes met his and for the first time in a while, Harry felt something more than the want for drugs, Harry felt loved.

"E, I've missed you so much. Everyday since you left, I have been out of control. I felt empty. I felt like I was living a life that wasn't mine anymore. I wanted you back. I want you back. I turned to drugs to try and forget you but even when I did take, you were always on my mind" the Guernsey boy spilt his guts to Eva and continued to do so.

'I love you Eva' were the words to follow, but when they didn't, Eva frowned. Had she done the right thing by coming home?

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