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bold - Eva
Tilt- Mum
Underlined- Narrator


In West London....

Influencer, Eva and her mum, Susanne


Mum, you know I slept with someone the other night?

Aye love, I remember you saying, why?

What would you do if it was your bestfriend?

You slept with my bestfriend?!

Haha, no mum. My bestfriend.

Well, have you two talked about it?

Not really no. It was more of a hump and dump, mind you.


scene 1

Awe, bless his wee soul.

Alright mum, don't orgasm now.

Oh shut up you stupid sod.

Can you just imagine being on that show. Like just the label 'undateable' isn't exactly the most appealing thing; you get me?

True, true. But I won't lie to you love, they aren't my cup of tea, those fellas.

Mum, shut your gob now. You was just drooling over him like a second ago.

Maybe he is better in the sheets with the lights off.

Jesus mum.

scene 2

It's awful that, init? Like she said he'll never be loved properly but it's based off a true story, init?

I won't lie to you darling but if you start courting with that bloke you slept with then you won't be loved properly...by me.

Mum! Uncalled for!

Whys my tea cold?

Ask your servant Susanne.

You watch yourself!!

*laughs hysterically*

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