real life

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Time passed and things had happened.

I grew a lot closer with Stephen and Alex. They soon became a big part of my life. I had somehow found myself going by the name 'Wroetoshaws Girlfriend' after Harry and I made it official with our relationship statuses. Jide had gotten himself into some sort of boxing match against Logan Paul and Deji with Jake Paul. Growing up, I wasn't ever that close with Deji as I was with JJ; it was just one of those things. Of course I still supported him, no matter what, he was family.


"Ok so, fam settle" JJ hushed us all as we were gathered around his kitchen table.

"See if you magic up some like BDSM whips or some shit, then count me out!" I announced, throwing my hands up aswell as earning a few laughs.

"Yeah, she's not into that, trust me, I've tried!" Harry joked and I playfully slapped his chest.

"Fam!! Listen up!! As we all know, KSI VS Logan Paul! Correct?" JJ shouted over us all.

We all nodded and cheered.

"Good. We are flying over to LA for the fight and you are all going to be VIP and you all get front row seats!" Suddenly, everyone was cheering and clapped and chanting for JJ.

"Yay! Front Row seats to watch my own brother get clapped" a voice appeared from the doorway.

My eyes shot up to the man who was Deji.

"I'm joking, my g!" He laughed.

Everyone dispersed and began to converse with eachother. I took Harry to the spare room and we flopped onto the bed together. His hand quickly stuck to the side of my head as we played with my hair.

"You alright, babe?" He asked softly.

I nodded and smiled up at him. "I'm just so lucky, bog! I have the most amazing family here ever, the best job and the best boyfriend, what more could I want?"

Harold and I cuddled for a few hours just letting time pass us by. "Plan on getting up anytime soon?" I whispered to my half sleeping boyfriend. With no reply, I looked up to see him asleep. He looked cute.

I took a picture of his sound body and proceeded to get up. I brushed off my outfit and made my way downstairs, not forgetting so quietly shut the door.

I found JJ first, who was just on the sofa. I sulked towards him and cuddled in with him. "Hey JJ" I murmured; when we were in high school, I used to go back to JJs with Simon and we would just chill out. I missed those days but I have to admit, now was way better.

"Alright E? Where's TopShagger then?" He laughed at his own joke and I let out a slight giggle.

"Upstairs, spare room" I replied.

"Are you happy with him?" JJ questioned, out of the blue.

I was slightly startled at his seriousness. "Jide, of course I am. He's amazing and so funny and not to forget, Harry is absolutely gorgeous. He always makes me smile or laugh. We've only been together for like two months but they have been the best two months yet" I cheerily told him.

"Wow" a voice spoke.

I changed my attention for JJ to the top of the stairs, where my boyfriend was. "You really think so?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Harold, I know so".

Harry ran at me and engulfed me into a hug. I hugged him back, never wanting to let go.

"Fuck guys, get a room please" Jide screeched from beside me.

"Oh darling, we already did it in yours!" I wickedly lied. JJ let out an exasperated groan as I giggled quietly. Harry took my hand and let us to the other sidemen. "Let's go home, yeah?" He asked, hunching over slightly to whisper in my ear.

I nodded and we gave each boy a separate 'goodbye'. I grabbed my phone off the table and dispatched to the car. Harry hopped in and roared the engine. "I'm coming, give me a break" I shouted at the impatient boy.

Harry and I had a sentimental drive home with us, screaming the words to a few Adele songs. He took us to his apartment where Lux and Freezy were. If we went out, we often went back to Harry's as Will would usually have Alex, George, James or Stephen over.

Our shared house was often referred to a zoo with the amount of people over. It was rarely ever just Will and I at home.

"Boys! I'm here!" I shouted as Harry threw open the door. I expected both Cals to come running to me like puppies as they usually would but they didn't. Instead, I found them on the sofa, watching Logan Paul videos.

"Jesus christ" Harry muttered but was drowned out by the sound of Logan's fucking brainwrecking voice. In my time, I had met Logan just once and it ended with me pouring Jack Daniels over him. Not my proudest moment, hate to admit.

"Dare I ask?"

"We are just checking out JJs competition" Lux innocently suggested as an excuse to which I laughed.

Boys, I'll never understand them.

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