real life

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"Harry Lewis! George Lewis! Get down her now!" Eva shouted.

Down the stairs, came her beloved husband and their toddler son.

Her husband scooped the young boy into his arms and the boy giggled. "Morning, darling" Harry kissed her cheek. "Mworing darwing" the little one copied his father and gave Eva a kiss on the cheek. This made the woman laugh.

Once they had eaten, Harry had seen the worried look on his wife's face. "Everything ok?" He small smiled at her.

"I'm just nervous, y'know. Like, we haven't seen the boys in almost five years! What if they've all changed and we don't get along?" Eva Lewis began to panick.

Harry threw his arms around his wife. "Calm down, baby. They will love you and me just as much as they used to. Plus Mr George" he winked at his son who giggled in reply. Everytime that man looked at me, I remember every reason why I married him.

"Can I come?" George asks as he stares up at me with Harry's eyes.

I nod and he lets out a slight giggle. Never in my life did I think that we would start a family, Wroetoshaw and Eva Solano, endgame.

Harry ushered our son out the door and buckled him into the car. I didn't move. I leant against the counter, spacing out.

This was a common reoccurrence. How could Harry live like nothing happened? Like I didn't betray him or fuck up? I live everyday the same; I wake up, guilt washed over me from the same nightmare each night. Harry moving on, never forgiving me. That was my biggest fear. I fear that I broke him down, I fear he may relapse onto the drugs again. He's a father now, there's no return. What if he looks for a way out? What if he regrets it all?

My thoughts are snapped by a hand, cupping my cheek. I jolt slightly and turn to see the man I married.

"You worry me sometimes, E"

"I worry me too"

"What do you mean?"

"How could you have just forgiven me? I don't deserve you!" I let out a whimper as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I don't deserve you or this house" I sigh, gesturing around out suburban house in London. It truly had it all.

"I don't deserve to be a wife or a mother"

"Eva that's enough. You and George are the best things in my life, y'hear me?" Harry grabbed my hands in his as he made eye contact. He always knew how to make me feel sane and safe.

"I'm sorry"


Sorry if this wasn't the ending you expected but here we have it. The end of an era.

Let me know if you would be interested in a part two maybe😉😉

im sorry {wroetoshaw}Where stories live. Discover now