real life

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(6 months later)

"Eva, come get in this with me" David shouted from downstairs.

I've moved on from mr wroetoshaw. I broke him and I couldn't find it in myself to fix him. I left England a month after JJs boxing match. Harry blocked me, on twitter, Instagram and in person. I deserved it. I still keep in touch with the boys. They were still my boys. As for Will, I felt it was best for me to move out and not disclose his name to the social world as 'my cheater'. I moved to LA and into David Dobricks big ass house.

"David I swear to fuck, if you ask me to be in one more fucking tiktok I'll shank you" I screamed down the stairs without a care.

"Eva!! What does shank mean?" He shouted back and I laughed. Clearly I couldn't use the same literature as I did in England. Sometimes I did miss England and more importantly, Harry but I messed up. It's my fault.

My phone pinged as my ringtone and I pulled it out of my pocket. To say I was surprised when Tobis name came up on my screen.

I slide across and held the phone to my ear.

(underline is tobi, bold is Eva)

Hello? Eva?


Eva. I don't know what to do anymore. He's out of control and he won't stop.

Woah Tobi. What's up?

It's Harry. He's started taking drugs but I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would try to help him and he would get angry with me but he's off the rails. We were trying to film for the channel when ethan noticed his pupils. They were fully black. Then he started shouted at us all and he threw the camera at the wall and he's been drinking a lot too. He needs your help Eva. He needs you.

Tobi. I can't help him. I'd simply make it all worse. Try to keep him away from the stuff and get the Cals to keep an eye on him please. Im useless in this situation. I'm sorry.

It's ok. Thanks Eva.

Bye Tobi.

"What's wrong?" Heath appeared from behind me. I plastered a fake smile on and turned round.

"Nothing. Why?"

"E. Don't lie. You're crying while telling me that you're ok?" I then realised there were tears slipping down my cheeks and swatted them away.

I moved to Los Angeles for a fresh start. Nobody could judge me. I wouldn't let anyone see the true me. The monster I was.

"I'm fine, Heath. Just give me a minute yeah?"


im sorry {wroetoshaw}Where stories live. Discover now