real life

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My past couple of months had been absolutely crazy.

I had gotten a lot closer with all the Sidemen and rekindled my bond with JJ and Simon. We had made several videos for their channel with me starring in them. The videos were like 'Sidemen Tinder' and 'The Roast Of The Sidemen'. I enjoyed filming with the boys and they made it feel as though I was one of them.

With my new starring fame, along came many new followers and friends. New friends included Calfreezy, Callux, the Eboys James, George, Will and Alex. I had made new girlfriends like Talia and Freya too. I had gotten a lot closer with one sidemen in particular and that was Tobi. He was like the brother I never had. Every time I went around to the Sidemen House, he welcomed me with open arms.

I had moved out of my apartment after three weeks. I got a better offer with my new best friend who also happened to be the 'The WillNe'. I met Will through Simon and we instantly clicked. I still had my debut with the tv show 'gogglebox' I showed on air with my mum. I brought up how much I hated living on my own and he offered me a room at his shared house. Of course, I had to pay a share in the bill but I didn't mind. I wasn't on my own anymore.

From time to time, Alex and George would come over and they'd make a racket as I was in my room but I didn't mind. They kept me sane. I'd either join their fun or Id ignore it, just depends on my mood.

I made a deal with Josh. Every Wednesday, no matter what, I'd come around and have a movie night with him and the rest of the Sidemen since they 'valued my presence' in exchange for the free food. I didn't mind it at all, actually I was quite glad for it. We would all just take a break from our phones and enjoy each others company. I would usually find myself snuggled in with Harry; the boy I fell for at first glance.

But right now, I was wedged into the back of JJs car with Ethan and Vik either side.

"Did you fart?"

"Yeah, Ethan that's rank!"

"Roll the windows down"

"Ethan control yourself"

"Roll the windows down"

"Ethan mate, get help"


All eyes shot towards the almost projectile vomiting Harry in the front. Everyone silenced and the windows slowly rolled down. "Thank you" he muttered quietly. Everyone was secretly laughing and I could tell someone had to defuse the situation. "Music! I'll put some music on!" I announced and grabbed Harry's phone.

I didn't care to see what he was looking at, I just wanted music. I figured out the best song to put on and pressed the icon. The song came on and everyone hummed and sang along. We were on our way to the club for a night out. We were meeting up with the Cals, the Eboys and XO. We organised a big night out as we hadn't all been together recently.


"Ok Vik, you're up first!" JJ shouted.

We were doing shots at the club and taking turns while doing so. It was still only us till I heard a commotion through the crowd. I gazed over and my eyes later upon Freezy and Alex, followed by others whose faces were blurred due to my alcohol.

"FREEZY!" I screamed and ran over to the particularly tall man.

I wrapped him up into a hug as a chuckle rose from his chest. "Miss me?" He asked sarcastically. "Obviously. Where's Will?" I searched through the crowed club with no sign of my flat mate. I greeted Alex with the same enthusiasm. It had been a while.

I dragged Callux onto the dance floor, past all the sweaty, rowdy people that swarmed the club. I swayed my hips to the songs and he sort of bounced with his drink. Lux was only on his second where as I was on my fifth with no turning back.

"Harry? Harry!" I yelled through the crowd which caught his attention.

"Can I help you Miss Solano?" He sneered as a joke and i threw my arms around his neck.

"Haz, be a babe and get me another drink, yeah?" I smiled also getting lost in his crystal blue eyes. He friendlily kissed my forehead and pulled away, in direction of the bar.

"What happened there?" Lux laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
I shrugged and continued dancing with him.

Almost five minutes later, Harry Lewis reappeared and baring gifts, our drinks. "YAY! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" I screamed and all of our friends laughed and made their way onto the dance floor.

We all partied hard, as if there was no tomorrow. It's like Drake said 'you only live once'. Someone had spilled a small amount of drink on my chest and the curls had fallen out of my long locks. Somewhere throughout the night, we all piled into a taxi on way to JJs shared house.

The rest of the night was a blur.

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