real life

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I woke up to my phone blaring with Twitter notifications and text messages like I was missing. There was no sun to wake me up which was odd. Will would always have George and Alex over but I couldn't hear them. My eyes were still sealed shut with no sign of fully waking up. Instead of the boys I heard, what's that? Freezy? No why would he be here? It is Freezy! But who else? Lux? Woah.

I opened my eyes in shock as soon as I realised I wasn't in my bed. This bed was much softer. I grabbed my phone off the floor beside the bed and replied to the only texts from Tobi, assuring him I was ok. I tweeted about my new place of wake-up that morning to which I got a few retweets and likes.

I cautiously turned over and saw the back of a boy in the bed. He had luscious, dirty blonde hair and toned shoulders. I looked at the state he was in; naked. In a panic I checked myself; naked. Shit. The boy let out a groan and began to shift in his bed. I panicked and just lay there as he rolled over. My eyes burnt.

Why am I in bed with Harry Lewis?

Let me rephrase that.

Why am I naked in bed with Harry Lewis?


Why am I naked in bed with Harry Lewis feeling somewhat pleased?

Harry and I had always had one of those 'friendlier' type of friendships. He was the guy that you could always talk to and over that last few months, we had gotten a lot closer; as you could tell, I was literally in his bed. I felt worried for the most part.

If we had just had sex the night before, would that effect our relationship?

Did we use protection?

Did we even have sex?

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