real life

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Fuck that. I was sitting outside Jakes hotel room, hesitation throughout me. Whether to knock or not.

Back at the charity match, I did something totally unforgivable. I cheated on the love of my life. I cheated on Harry Lewis. Nothing will ever change that. My life is over if word gets out. Will and I have wrecked ourselves. Mia and Harry have no clue still. Yet, somehow Jake knew.

"Hey! My favourite Brit, welcome" a voice interrupted my moment of thought. Jake Paul.

"Make this quick" I pushed through.

"Someone's keen! Got somewhere to be?"

"Yeah, your bloody brothers press conference" I spat while glaring at his disgusting features. Jake offered me a seat of which I took.

"Woah you need to chill out and rid the attitude. I can ruin you, don't forget that" he claimed, shooting daggers my way.

I gulped. "Why don't you go for it? It's not just me that you'll ruin. There's me, Will, Mia, Harry, JJ, yourself. Don't you have a heart?"

"And how is it that with others I'll be ruined?" He blankly asked and raised an eyebrow.

"You. You'll be ruined as you would ruin my life. Maybe not physically ruined but mentally ruined. You'll have to live with the fact that you screwed up multiple peoples lives. And the others, they'll be ruined with the facts that they once trusted me and once had some sort of association with me. Nobody wants to know a cheater. Mia and Harry will be broken. Mia, she's always been so lovely to me when she comes over and Haz, I couldn't love him anymore than I already do. As for Will, we are both going down. One way or another" I could feel my eyes tearing up. I swatted away a few fallen tears without ruining my mascara.

Jakes sarcastic slowclap filled the room. "Great speech. But if I cared, I would've asked for it, ok? You don't get it. I don't care for you or any of the others. In this career, you only need yourself and whatever gets me views and likes will help me succeed. Letting people in the industry go, well it's only part of the fun. You should do and clean up. And stop crying like the bitch you are" he shouted and stood up. I had no words. He only opened his door and signalled for me to leave.


(third person pov)

"You aren't even ready for this, Logan. You are going to die" one of the fans shouted.

"ksi sucks" another said.

"Alissa has great tits" from another.

Eva Solano was currently stuck in the middle of Josh and Harry, backstage. She continuously zoned out just thinking of how much she had screwed up. Her boyfriend Harry Lewis day next to her, content and happy or until Jake walked past them all and sent a wink in the girls direction before entering the stage.

"Why does he keep talking to you and like looking at you. Don't you think it's weird?" Harry tilted his head to speak to the still zoned out girl.

The brunette only shrugged, eyes never leaving the floor. Harry could tell something was up just unsure  to bother his girlfriend about it or not. He chose not to and turned away from her.

Eva sat there with her eyes fixed to floor for the rest of the conference. Even when it was over and half the crowd had cleared out, she remained untouched. Her silent thoughts were intruded upon by a distraction. A hand on her shoulder.

"Wanna get out of here?" The man asked with a smile. The quiet girl looked up and saw her friend with the deep hazel eyes. While seeing his, hers filled with tears.

"Vik, I've fucked everything up. I don't know what to do" she cried into his embrace. Her emotions were all fucked up along with her current situation.

The man didn't say much more. He held her and stroked her hair as she sobbed into his chest.

The two said the same until Vik finally pulled away. "Let's go back to my room, yeah? We can talk about whatever it is that's bothering you" he gave her a warm smile, a trusting smile.


"And now I have no clue what to do" Eva finished explaining it all to her friend as they were sat on the end of his expensive hotel room bed.

Vik looked into her eyes which were flooded. "Eva, you need to tell him"

"Vik you know I-"

"E, it'll only make it worse if you don't tell him. It's Harry. He's definitely going to be upset. You are his world, he's going to have a reaction but he will forgive you. He always does; Harry's a good guy" her friend smiled.

"Good guys always get hurt" the crying girl was in hysterics.

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