real life

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There I was. Sat in the sidemen household, with my two boy best friends. Simon and JJ.

Simon drove me down and when I got inside it was beautiful. The house was as stunning on the inside as it was outside. On the big sofa, there was only JJ sat on his phone. Nobody else was in sight. I sighed in relief as I knew the boys had very close friends round at their house nearly everyday. I wasn't exactly feeling up to socialise with new people.

"How come we haven't had you over yet?" Simon asked, pulling out a chair at the table. I meant against the table as he sat down.

"Where was my invite?" I joked. Simon laughed nervously and played it off. "You never asked to come round" he shrugged and I laughed.

"It hasn't been the same without you, Eva. We missed you" JJ shouted over from the sofa with his eyes never leaving his phone. "You know, I would say the same but you really haven't changed Jide, always focused on one thing" I laughed and he sent me a threatening glare.

It wasn't until the sound of the front door unlocking that I actually payed attention. "Lads, gather" Simon waved his arms around in an effort to herd the boys over.

"So I can tell you are all confused but we have someone to introduce to you all, this is Eva Solano, she's basically my sister" Simon pointed to me and I just smiled at all the boys. "And mine, don't forget about me" JJ chimed in. It wasn't until after the small talk that I actually got an introduction.

"Hi, I'm Tobi"
"Tobi! I've heard a lot about you"

"Hey I'm Vik"
"Hi babes"

"Hi, I'm Ethan and your hot"
"Why do I feel like I'm on Sidemen Tinder" I joked, causing a few laughs.

"Hiya, I'm Josh"
"Hi Josh"

It was the last boy who stuck out to me. He. Was. Gorgeous. He had scruffy hair and a stumbled face. He wore piercing blue eyes to match Simons and he had the sweetest smile.

"Alright? I'm Harry!" He pulled me into a hug which I went with. "This is nice, finally meeting you all! I hope you don't mind me being here!" I smiled nervously. "No your grand honestly" Tobi grinned and I could tell that we were going to get along, just fine.

"Wait-" the boy named Ethan pulled his eyes away from his phone. He turned it around and shoved it in everyone's faces. It was a picture of my Instagram. "Aren't you like the Eva Solano! Like the actress?" He looked startled and I let out a nervous giggle.

"I wouldn't go as far to say 'actress' but I've been in a few shows" I shrugged suddenly getting the attention from everyone. "Like what?!" Simon yelled, more surprised than the lot. "Well, I was in that show called 'Gogglebox' and one called 'Love Island'. Actually I've got a signing for The Bake Off for some time in the next couple of months" I announced, recalling my most popular shows.

I examined the faces of the boys but the most surprised now was Tobi. "So you like know Molly-Mae and Curtis and all?" He gasped, eyes bulging out of his head. I nodded and shrugged at the same time, walking off to the bathroom. I freshened up and washing my hands. When I came out, I was greeted with two boys, Simon and Vik. "We have something to show you!" They cheesy smiled.

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