real life

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It had been a while since I'd seen the boys. At home, it had just been Will and I. Of course, George, Alex and Stephen came over a few times but my nights were mostly spent with Will, movies and alcohol.

"Oi! Eva, I'm running round to Freezys, fancy coming?" Will shot up from the sofa.

Harry would be there. Nobody knew that I'd slept with him. I hadn't spoken to harry since then due to the awkwardness that would come around. If Harry was at his apartment, I'd have to talk to him. What could go wrong?

"Aye, let me get changed first" I smiled and pranced down to my room. I threw on a 'Shovel' hoodie and just some Adidas leggings. I didn't bother to do anything fancy with my hair. I pulled my brown locks into a messy bun and trekked down to the car with my roommate aside me.

The car ride had a somewhat awkward silence with the occasional cough or sigh. It was strange. I had never had a silence with Will. We always just conversed or laughed.

"Why are we here again?" I asked, turning my head to face my roommate.

He let out a slight chuckle and faced me.

"I know you slept with Harry" he spoke softly as if it was nothing.

My cheeks flushed a red colour and were hot and heavy. All I did was stutter and dodge the accusation.

"What? No, no! Will! Willian Lenney, you know me, I have standards!" I stated to which he raised an eyebrow.

"Standards? So ChrisMD met your standards en'? Don't get me wrong, Chris is a great guy but come on E, how did you swing that?" Will joked.

I thought about my short relationship with Chris for a hot second. He treated me like I was the only girl in the world, a solid ten. We ended on a good cause as we both just didn't have time for eachother.

"You can't blame me Will, Chris looks like a prince!" I laughed and Will joined in.

"So Wroetoshaw then? Top Shagger Harry, aye?"

"To be honest babes, I don't remember it" I recalled as we pulled into the driveway.

Immediately, the sound of boys cheering, laughing and talking filled my ears. Vik let us in and we all gathered in the living room. I sat as far away from Harry as I could. We did share the occasional smile or look but it was just friendly.

"So, why don't we play never have I ever, like for this weeks Sidemen Sunday?" Tobi suggested and everyone agreed that it was a good idea.

"Never have I ever taken drugs!"

Harry, JJ and I all put our fingers down.

"Sorry what?!" Simon shouted at me.

"It was a one time thing, was only Ket babe" I smiled and the boys cracked a laugh.

"Never have I ever had a threesome"

Ethan put his finger down.

"Jesus Ethan! You are grim" Josh shouted and threw a pillow at him. Ethan laughed and shrugged. It was my go.

"Hmm, never have I ever told someone I loved them just for sex"

There was a silence then everyone put a finger down.

"Animals you are!" I joked.

It was Viks go.

"Never have I ever slept with anyone in this room" he obviously said it as a joke but they still kept it in the video.

Will and I shared some awkward glares as he knew about me and Harry's affairs.

Slowly, Harry put a finger down and I subtly followed suit.

"Hold up! What? When?" JJ screamed. Harry explained everything as I sat with the biggest blush on my face. Everyone eyes lit up and they all burst into laughing fits.

We continued the game but as we did, my eyes kept meeting with Harry Lewis. We shared few second glances and cut off just as soon.

We all just chilled out for a bit until Josh ordered pizza. JJ and Vik went off to record for Viks channel, Tobi and Ethan disappeared into the kitchen and Simon, Josh, Will, Harry and I were on the sofa still.

"So, will we be getting any baby Wroetoshaws?" Josh joked and nudged me.

I shook my head and laughed along with the other guys.

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