Chapter two

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Dear Eliza,

I got your letter my dear. I'm very excited that you are coming to my ranch. I can't wait. And since you are coming during the middle of spring then you and me can hit rodeos and horse shows. I promise I'll give you your space. I know I can be a little too nosey. So feel free to just call me out on it. Well write me back I would like to know when you are leave. Oh which reminds me, it'll probably take you about four days to get here. That is if you don't drive stright through. Write back soon please. I truly like to read your words, and that your not mad at me like your mother. But that's a story for when your here.


Aunt June

I smiled as I read my aunt June's newest letter. I picked up a pen and started on my response before my mom and uncle come in for the day.

Dear aunt June,

Today is the fifteenth of April. I plan on leaving the 20th. I hope that works with you. Mom agreed which really suprised me. But i think shes just mostly worried about me traving with Newt. Which brings me too another point. I hope that you don't mind if I bring a friend. His name is Newt. Don't get any ideas! But I do think that you tried to hire him as one of your ranch hands. He will be my traveling partner. Hope you can welcome both of us. I'll see you in five days. Can't wait!



I re read my letter. I was satisfied. Just as I sealed the envelop with my spit the screen door slapped open. Shooting my head up I spotted Newt standing in the door way. I gave him a small smile.

"Hey princess" he said slyly as he slid off his first boot. 

"Hey pretty boy" I through out the old name like nothing causing Newt's head to shot up. I smirked at his confused/ discussed look.

I sometimes called him pretty boy and he hates it's. He came over to were I sat at the dinner table. Scurrying out of my chair I moved behind it.  I didn't trust this boy or to be more frank I was slightly afraid of what he had planned. As I got up he dashed towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and held me in place. As his strong hands gripped me tighter I let out a sharp squeal.

"OH NEWT LET ME GO" I hollered.

I heard him chuckle as he pulled me into his chest.

"Newt!!! Let go" I squelled louder as his arms tighten even more.

"OH princess I love you" he said in my ears as his arms got tighter. Giggling I leaned my head back as I panted for my breath.

"Love you too Newt. Now let go." I huffed as my breathing finally found it's rhythm again.

"Take back my nickname" he said in all dead seriousness.

"Fine, I'm sorry I called you pretty boy" I rolled my eyes as his hands loosened around my waist without completely letting me go.

Then he spun me around to where my head faced his strong chest. Looking up I saw his deep blue eyes starring intensely at me. His head lowed in till we where only centimeters apart. Part of me wanted to scream and push him always while a very small piece of me want to hold Newt closer. Just as the door swung open once again Newt landed a small kiss on my cheek and completely let me go with a small cough. Both my mom and uncle where pulling their boots off when I became a smartass.

"Awe Pretty boy do you want a kiss?" I asked in all sarcasm before I went chasing him around the kitchen. In all fairness I was just trying to hid these butterflies I felt.

"Don't call me that princess" Newt sent a pointed finger my way before turning his attention back to the fridge.

I snorted before I sat down on the open chair while I watched Newt pull out the ham and cheese. My mom and uncle came into the room. My mom discarded me and Newt while my uncle looked between us with an eyebrow raised. He really did remind me of a seconded dad. He really did look out for my best interests.

"What you too doing?" my mom spoke up from the coffee pot.

"Oh nothing. Pretty boy is just acting stupid" I sent Newt a smirk while he stuck his tongue out at me like a child.

"Don't even get me started Mizz Princess" Newt shot back at me making me roll my eyes.

"My uncle chuckled at the old names while my rolled her eyes. She set down a mug in front of my uncle while she sat across from me. She glanced over at Newt and took a long sigh.

"Newt I think you should be getting on home" my mom spoke softly. Newt turned around glancing at the clock. Truly he had only two hours left of work but yet mom wanted him gone early. I felt alittle on guard now.

"Yes ma'ma. See you all tomorrow. Night princess." He said with a wink at me. I glared at his retreating body in till the screen door slammed shut behind me.

"Well I'm going upstairs" I said as I started to walk to my room. No use in being downstairs now.

"Honey I barley see you except for chores. Let's hang out tonight. Maybe a movie night" I heard my mom beg from the kitchen. I sighed as I starred up at the stairs and then back at my mom. When was the last time I watched even tv with my mom?

"Sure. I guess it wouldn't kill me" I shrugged my shoulders before heading into the living room.

So instead me, my uncle, and my mother went into the living room and watched the naighbors. As I sat there I wondered how much my family had changed in the past two years. Two years ago we buried my father. My mother lost her sparkle in her eyes but she keeps on living. After that I knew my family would never truly be normal again. But thankfully Newt had been there for me and my mother. He help alot. Now I wondered if my mom would be OK while I left for North Carolina. I guess we would see.

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