Chapter 16

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I woke up with my head on a hard surface. I lifted my face to spot Newt fast asleep. I smiled he just looked so peaceful. I slowly slipped out of his arms. As soon as I was out I watched him sir.

"Shhh" I whispered in his ear.

"Don't do that" he moaned.

I started to laugh as I grabbed a clean shirt and jeans. I slipped into them when I was sure Newt wasn't facing me.

"Are you getting dressed?" I heard him mumble into the pillow.

I walked over to the bed laying my hand on his shoulder. He stired at my touch.

"Your a little late" he looked up at me. Me fully dressed in clean clothes.

"Damn" he said. We both started to laugh.

I walked out of my bedroom door to head down stairs. As I jumped the last step I checked to see if my aunt was in the kitchen. Nope. I hadn't talk to her in at lest two days. I'm sure she feels terrible and now it probably hurts more thinking I'm avoiding her. I opened the front door to be greeted by the sun. As I stepped off the pouch the sun warmed up my body. I all of a sudden felt energy ran though my vains. I raced to the barn to grab two flacks of hay for Winter. When I grabbed the hay I thew it over Winter's fence. She whinnied her thank you. I layed my arms on the metal gate. I felt a spring brezz hit me in my face. hmmm it felt good. I laid my chin on my arms. I felt a hand touch my back. I turned to see Newt standing next to me.

"She's muddy" He said as he looked at Winter.

"Yeah I know. I have to work her today so I'll brush her out" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"So.... What are we Eliza?" he surprised me with that question.

"Friends" I looked over at him. " Friends. Close friends. Look I don't want to fight with you right" I admitted.

He seemed a little flustered with my answer.

"I know. I'll leave you to the horse" he left to go to the barn.


He turned at face me.

"Thank you for every thing that you have done. Especially the calming me down part." I said

"I told you princess. I'm always here for you" he said with a smile.

I turned back around to face Winter. She stared at me as her black muzzle chewed on her hay.

"What?" I asked. Her white body caked with mud.

"I should go find my aunt" I said to winter as I slapped the gate with my hand.

I walked into the barn going straight to my aunt's office that was in a corner of the barn. I  walked in to find her siting behind her desk. Her oak desk was scattered with boxes of breeding and sale papers. She looked up at me throw her glasses.

"Hey aunt June" I called.

"Hey sweet heart I have some good news but I want to talk to you about something" i sat down across from her desk.

"I went to wake up Newt an  I couldn't find him." I swallowed hard

"I know I fell asleep crying on the floor. Newt picked me up and started to calm me down. I swear I didn't do anything with him" I confessed.

"I know dear. I peeked in and saw you to sleeping with clothes" I laughed at her.

"I trust you too. All here's the good news" she slid a piece of paper my way.

The paper had many dates on it. I looked closer at the paper. The dates were dates for horse shows. From April to August. I smiled as I knew that this month was March.

"You have shows all spring and summer girly. And to end the summer we will hit two rodoes" I looked up at her .

Winter was seven meaning I could start her up.

"Don't run her on barrels though. Wait for the shows" she scolded.

"I know. I trained Sparling a black mare at our ranch. I trained her into a barrel racing horse" I admitted.

She just nodded her head.

"Go work that mare would you?" she was trying to shoe me out of her office. I nodded my head as I walked out of her office. I went to catch Winter and see what progress we could make today.

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