chapter five

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I stood at the edge of the bed I would use for the time being. It was a hard oak frame with a beautiful head rest. Two horse heads burned in the head rest faced each other.

"Sorry it's not fancy. But you know I didn't have much time for re decorating" my aunt said as she lend up against the door way. Throwing my suitcase on to my new bed I glanced over at her.

"It's just fine" I resured her with a smile.

"Well I'll leave you to get settled in. Meet me in the kitchen in half an hour?" I nodded to her before she turned around. I heard her feet clip against the stairs before it became silent again.

I smiled as I sat down on the plush bed. The walls had old barn wood wallpaper on it. Pictures of different stallions hung on each wall with name tags under the frames. I assume their her old studs or something like that. Then the bed. Oh the bed. It was as soft as a cloud. I almost couldn't wait to go asleep under the soft blankets either. Hmmm... I quitly got up off the bed to un pack my clothes. Sliding off the bed I dragged my suitcase down to the floor with me. Scooting over to the wall across from my bed I sat in front of the dresser.  As I started to put my shirts in the dresser I heard a knock on the door.

"Aunt you don't have to knock" I said as I swung my head towards the door. Last time I checked my aunt didn't have short blond/ light brown hair and the most amazing smile I've seen.

"What's up?" I asked as I turned back to my dresser. Yup just Newt.

"The sky" he replied snarky. I rolled my eyes with out him seeing with a snort.

"No for real. What you up to? You alright?" I asked glancing slightly over my shoulder. Newt was rubbing his hands together before he stated off towards my bed.

"I'm fine. I just finished un packing. I got bord and decided to come see if you needed help" he plopped down on the bed with a small thump.

" I'm good. Thanks though" I answered as I continued to put away my clothes.


"What's the matter?" I asked as I turned and looked at him. He was starring down at his hands. His eyes glanced towards me and then looked back at his hands before shrugging.

"Nothing. Why are you asking so many questions?" his voice was sharp and slightly ignored.

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked over to were he sat on the bed. Standing in front of him I offered him a small smile. He replied with an equal tiny grin.

"I kinda feel bad that your here for no reason really" I finally spoke after our long stare down.

"Your fine" Newt grabbed my wrists gently.

"I came to keep you company, not to visit your aunt. Spend time together." he stated as his hands moved down to my hands. Tugging at my hands slightly I stepped in-between his legs.

"Thanks Newt"  I grinned at him.

"Anytime Princess" he responded.

I laughed as he pulled me into his arms. Sitting beside him for a couple minutes I dropped my head on his shoulder.

"I think we should go downstairs and have dinner with my aunt be for her little mind starts to wonder." I said softly against Newt's cotton shirt. Newt responded with a gentle chuckle. 

"I would hate for her or you to get any ideas" I could hear the teasing in his voice. Smiling I sat up to look at him.

"You send mix signals boy" I chuckled to him as I shoved his shoulder playfully.

"I hope you know that I do care for you" Newt whispered so quietly I barely heard him

I stood up and looked down at him. Again I stood in-between his legs starring down at him. Reaching my hands out to him I nodded to the door.

"Come on cowboy. There's an old cowgirl down in the kitchen making us both dinner"

He smiled as he grabbed my hands and came up off the bed.

"FYI I heard what you said. And I care for you too" I whispered in his ear before I left for the door.

We walked on down to the kitchen were my aunt sat waiting for us at the table. Her kitchen looked like it belonged in an old westerner movie. With older kitchen appliances.

"I was just about to go up there and check on you" Aunt June said as she got up from the table.

"It's been less then half an hour " I pointed out

"Well.... let's eat. Hope you two like ribs!" She said with excitement coming from her voice.

All three of us went to siting at the table. We sat down and began to feel up our plates with the home cooked meal.

"Good ribs Miss June" Newt said as he reached for his fourth rib.

"While thank you Newt. I have a question" she stated.

Both me and Newt stopped eating to look at her. She set down her fork and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Newt how did you meet my little Eliza? "She asked.

I smiled as she already claimed me as her own. Yup we would get along just fine.

"I'm a ranch hand at her ranch. Her daddy hired me to work with the cattle and horses. So just though work." Newt said as he looked over at me as if to ask if it was right.

My aunt gave a little giggle. We both looked at her.

"If I think I know my Eliza she wouldn't call the horses work"

I started to laughed right along with her.

"No its not truly work for the heart, but work for the mind and body." I said as I cleared the table.

"I like that!" Aunt June said as she got up and started to walked off from the kitchen.

She came back in with a journal in her right hand and a pen in her left.

"Say it again"

"Not truly work for the heart, but work for the mind and body?"

" Good now I have the for life" she said as she slammed the journal shut.

"Early morning tomorrow. Tomorrow is action day so go get some shut eye" my aunt ordered.

As I walked up the steps with Newt behind me, I wondered what tomorrow would bring us.

"Goodnight princess" Newt said as he stepped in to the room across from mine.

"Goodnight pretty boy" I replied as I shut my door fast.

I crawled on in to the bed I was given. Tomorrow I'm sure would be great.

All I need is that horseWhere stories live. Discover now