nothing is happening to you

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//based on the image above^//

"Bellamy," Clarke said, "if anything happens to me..."

"Nothing is happening to you!" he said, losing it a little.

Clarke nodded, then sighed. "I need you to hear this, Bellamy."

She took a deep breath. "We've been through a lot, you and I... I didn't like you at first, that's no secret. But even then, every stupid thing you did was to protect your sister. She didn't always see that, but I did. Then we became your family. The Hundred. You'd have done anything to protect us, too."

Bellamy chuckled. "Still will."

"I know," Clarke said, all her emotions pouring out. "You've got such a big heart, Bellamy. But sometimes, that big heart gets you into a lot of trouble."

His face softened. "Clarke-"

"You have to use your head too. People follow you because of this." She took a pause, tapping his heart. "But the only way to make sure we survive is to use this, too." She taps the side of his head.

Their eyes lock onto each other. She felt so much emotion, and she could read so many emotions in his eyes as well. She just wanted his comfort, his embrace. She just wanted him.

Bellamy gives her a small, sad smile. "I've got you for that."

Their eyes stayed locked. Chocolate brown onto electrifying blue.

Clarke surprises even herself when she says, "I love you, Bellamy."

He smiles a genuinely happy smile. God, it's been so long since she's seen one of those.

He leaned forward and kissed her. A long, passionate, desperate kiss. "I love you too, princess."

They kissed again and again and again. Well, at least until Murphy entered the room.

"Finally!" they heard him yell. "What the hell took you guys so long?"

"What?" Clarke and Bellamy asked, parting. Their faces were as red as tomatoes.

"Raven!" Murphy yelled.

"What do you want?" Raven responded, annoyed. "We're in the middle of a crisis here!"

"It happened!" he yelled. "It finally happened!"

Raven got to the room they were inside in a matter of seconds. When she saw Clarke and Bellamy's hands intertwined, she smiled.

"Well that took long enough," the brunette said.

"What are you guys saying?" Bellamy asked, frustrated.

"The amount of tension between you guys was impossible to bear," Murphy answered.

"And it was so obvious that you guys were in love. We were waiting for when you'd finally admit it," Raven added.

Clarke blushed and kissed Bellamy just so she could see the dreamy look on his face before she left.

"This is cute and all," Raven said, "but we've got work to do. You guys are all ready to go?"

"We are."

i couldn't stop smiling while writing this. i really wish something like this had happened.

oh well, i guess we'll just have to murder jason if there's no bellarke in season 7...


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