history trivia

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"Alright, everyone," the host said. "Tonight is the finals. Our finalists are... Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake!"

The blonde girl - Griffin?- and I walked onto the stage, smiled at the host and crowd, glared at each other, and sat down at our separate tables on opposite sides of the stage.

"You both know how the game works," the host started. "I will ask a question, and if you think you know the answer, press your buzzer. The first person to press their buzzer gets to answer first. Each answer is worth a point. If you give me the wrong answer, the other player gets to answer if they wish to. If they do, and they get it right, they get two points, but if they get it wrong, they lose a point."

I zoned out all his blabbing because I've played ten rounds of this game, and I know it inside out.

"Tonight's category will be Ancient History," he stated, causing me to smirk. History was my strong point. "The first person to reach 50 points or more wins. Let's begin."

The crowd erupted into cheers.

"First. In Greek Mythology, who is Icarus's father?" the host asked.

I hit my with lightning speed and answered; "Daedalus the inventor."

"Correct, Mr. Blake," he said. I smirked at Griffin, who was glaring at me.

"Next," he asked. "Which ruler of the Inca population built Machu Picchu?"

"Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui," Griffin said, after hitting the buzzer. Dang, she's better than I thought.

I'd never admit it, but I had no idea what the answer to that one was.

"Good job," the host replied, surprised that she got it right. "What are the names of the planet Mars's moons, and what are they named after?"

I hit my buzzer at the same time as Griffin, but the host judged it as hers being pressed first. So unfair.

"Phobos and Deimos, named after the Greek Gods of fear, panic, dread and..." she trailed off. "Oh, shit. Um. And destruction?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Griffin, but that is incorrect," the host said, pretending to be dissapointed. I smiled. "Mr. Blake, do you wish to take over the question?"

"Yes," I said. "They're named Phobos and Deimos, after the Greek Gods of fear, panic, dread and terror."

"That is correct," the host answered. "Mr. Blake is up by two points."

I smirked at Griffin, and glared daggers at me. The rest of the game was the same, each one of us taking the lead from time to time, until, finally, came the last question.

"Okay, both of you are at forty-nine points, so you each just need one to win. Whoever gets this question, takes home 100,000$ and bragging rights," the host said, causing the audience to laugh. Griffin probably only wanted the money to buy new clothes or a new phone. She seemed like a snobby princess. Well, a princess who was interested in history.

He cleared his throat. "What is the earliest surviving system of laws?"

I hit my buzzer first, startling Griffin. I could see the look of fear on her face when she knew I was about to win this thing.

"The Code of Ur-Nammu," I said confidently and proudly. For sure I just won. But when I saw Griffin smirking I knew immediately that I had made a mistake.

"I'm sorry, but that is incorrect, Mr. Blake," our host stated. "Mrs. Griffin?"

"I'll take it," she replied, grinning like crazy. "Some might say it's The Code of Ur-Nammu, but it's actually The Code of Hammurabi is the earliest surviving system of laws."

The host smiled. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!"

I rolled my eyes as Griffin jumps up and down, smiling, excited about the money, but probably more excited about the bragging rights.

At least I get 5,000$, right?

After the competition, I meet her at the front of the building.

"You were good," I said.

"Obviously," she replied. "I beat you, didn't I?"

I smiled. "Yeah, you did."

After a moment of silence, she asks; "What were you gonna use the money for, anyways?"

"Travelling and books," I responded. "My sister and I have wanted to go to Greece and Egypt forever now. And there's a whole bunch of new books coming out that seem real good. What about you?"

"My mom," she said. "She needs surgery and we don't have enough money."

Suddenly, I felt bad all the thoughts I had of her being rich and snobby and only caring about herself. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," she replied. "The surgery costs thirty thousand, so we'll have enough left to pay off some debts. And then we'll still have some leftover. I guess it all works out in the end."

"Yeah," I said. "What's you name again?"

"Clarke Griffin," she responded. Hm. Clarke was a pretty name. Thank God I wasn't stuck with having to call her Griffin. "What about you?"

"Bellamy Blake," I said.

She nodded and smiled, making her blue eyes light up. "Cool. I'll see you around."

"Unless we plan to see each other," I said. Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders and I all of a sudden, I felt like the stable boy trying to get the princess.

"What do you mean?" She rearranged her purse on her shoulder.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote down my number. I handed it to her. "There you go."

"You are giving me your number?" she asked. When I nodded, she continued; "Isn't the guy usually supposed to call the girl?"

"Yeah," I said. "But you're too good to wait on a guy, aren't you."

She contemplated what I said, then replied; "Yeah, I guess I am."

She shoved the paper inside her purse.

After a few moments of silence, a car pulls up in front of us. A man with a blue hat is inside.

"Hey, sweetie," the man said to Clarke.

"Hey, dad," she said. "GImme a minute." She turns back towards me. "This is my ride."

"I guess so," I said.

"I'll call you," she said.

"You'd better," I replied. "Or I'll track you down."

She laughed and got into the passenger seat. "Goodbye, Bellamy," she said before closing the door.

"Goodbye, Princess," I said subconsciencly as she drove away.

I walked down to the far right end of the parking lot and got into my Jeep. I drove away, thinking about that call I desperately wanted to get.

When I finally received it, it turned out that giving my opponent my number was the best choice I had ever made.

yes, i haven't updated in a while

no, it's not because i hate you guys

yes, it's because i have a life and actually have other things to do

no, i'll try not to update so late again

yes, i'm sorry and i hope you liked it anyways <3


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