remember me: part 2

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here's part two:

"Please tell me this is a joke," I said. "Or it's a prank or something."

"It's not," Bellamy said, still looking at me as if we hadn't been dating for the past two years and a half.

"So you have no idea who I am?" I asked.

"No," he answered.

I turned to Octavia. "Can you go get the doctor?"

She nodded and went to find the doctor.

"Bellamy, what's the last thing you remember?" I asked him.

"My actual girlfriend; Echo, and I were coming back from Homecoming," he said. "That was last night."

I frowned. "Bellamy, you're not 17 anymore. You're 21. Homecoming was four years ago."

"You're lying," he said. "I don't know you, you don't know me."

"I do know you," I said. "And I can prove it. I know that your sister is your number one priority. I know that you love black-and-white movies. I know that you're a total history geek and that your favourite greek hero is Perseus because he's, like, the only one who gets a happy ending. I know that you love to cook and read and, secretly, you love shopping for clothes. You love Taylor Swift and your favourite song is You Belong With Me. I know you, Bellamy."

He scrunched his eyebrows in the cute way he did whenever he was confused or scared. "So then how come you're my girlfriend? What happened between me and Echo?"

"She cheated on you," I explained. "With Daniel."

"Oh," he said, seemingly a little disappointed.

The doctor entered. "Bellamy, I hear that you don't remember certain things..?"

Bellamy eyed me. "That's correct," I said. When the doctor gave me a questioning look, I said; "Bellamy and I have been dating for two years and a half. He doesn't remember me."

"Curious," the doctor said, writing on a pad. I couldn't see what she writing down though. It seemed that one of the rules of being a doctor was having illegible handwriting. "So, Bellamy, what's the last thing you remember?"

Bellamy recounted what he had told me. The doctor wrote down some more impossible-to-read notes.

"Well, Bellamy, it seems you have retrograde amnesia," the doctor said. When we all showed that we had absolutely no idea what that was, she said; "It means that you've lost the memories of the past four years of your life. We don't know how it'll take for those memories to come back, or if they ever will, only time will tell."

Bellamy let out a shaky breath, and Octavia looked like she was about to cry. I felt numb inside.

He didn't remember me? What if he never remembered me again? What if he decided to break up with me because of this? What if-

"So it's kinda like The Vow?" Bellamy asked, referencing one of his favourite movies.

The doctor nodded. "Exactly," she said, before leaving the room.

Bellamy looked at me and smiled. "I guess I'm gonna be Paige for a while, huh?"

I smiled. "I'll be your Leo."

Bellamy got out of the hospital a week later, when his ribs healed and they did some last tests to make sure that the retrograde amnesia was all the brain injuries he had (thank god he didn't have any more).

When we left the hospital, I decided to drop Bellamy off at Octavia's apartment instead of him coming home with me, just so he could get used to everything.

I had Bellamy's coat in my car since it was too hot for him to wear it, so when I took it out of my car and brought it inside, I blasted my AC so that I could wear it and take in his smell.

I shoved my hands in the pockets and felt... a box inside the right pocket. What was a box doing in there?

I took it out and opened it. A ring with my gemstone; tourmaline, lay in the box. I took it out and saw that on the inside of the ring, it said Clarke and Bellamy forever.

I started to cry.


Bellamy never did get his memories back. But he didn't break up with me either. He said we'd start from scratch. And we did. Guess, it really was like The Vow after all.

Three years later, he proposed and we got married two months after that.

We had two kids; Karrigan and Samantha Blake.

We lived a happy life, but most importantly, we loved each other more than ever.

hope you liked ittttt :)

if you haven't watched the vow, you totally should, it's awesome.

umitskarri thank you for your name.

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