stupid games: part 2

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okay, so i know i'm a little late, but this is my last week of school and we're doing all our end-of-year exams online, so it's to find time to do this. after this week, i should be posting more regularly. anyway, i hope you enjoy :)

"Hey, guys!" Clarke said into the camera. "We're live again."

The comments were rocketing in at an inhuman pace. All were asking about how and what happened between all the confessions that were made.

Bellamy let out a laugh and Clarke smiled at him.

"I know we kinda left you guys hanging last time, so here's a little insight," Bellamy added, taking Clarke's beautiful face into his hands and kissing her plump on the lips. Her lips tasted like strawberries (which was the flavour of her chapstick, weirdly enough).

The comments kept coming in, saying things like "BELLARKE" and "ASHGFJAHGSHAGAJD".

One particular comment made him smile. It said "Damn, how did Jason react?"

Jason was Bellamy's father. But not Octavia's. He was an asshole who didn't give a shit about Bellamy or his family. But worst of all, he always got caught up in other people's business. Jason didn't like the idea of Clarke and Bellamy together. For some reason, he liked Bellamy with Echo better which made no sense because all Echo was good for was cheering Bellamy on at soccer practice. And even then, she'll be on her phone 90% of the time.

"We haven't told Jason yet," Bellamy said, replying to the comment, "but I'm sure that when we will, he's gonna be pissed."

Clarke laughed, probably remembering the time when Bellamy brought her home so that she could tutor him and Jason started yelling at her to get out and telling Bellamy that it wasn't good to get girls by pretending you need a tutor. That day, they couldn't look at each other without going red.

"We actually haven't told anyone yet," Clarke added.

"Where is everyone else?" Clarke read off the screen. Damn, these people were desperate.

"We can call them to come over?" I suggested. "They want happy couples, let's give them happy couples."

Clarke laughed. She grabbed her phone and went to the other room to call Raven, Murphy, Lincoln and Octavia.


Finally, everyone arrived.

Raven and Murphy, hand in hand.

Octavia and Lincoln, walking side-by-side, hugging each other from the side.

"And here are the three happy couples you guys formed," Clarke said, smiling to the camera.

"Hey guys!" a male voice behind us said. "I can't believe you kept this from me. You all know I've shipped all these since I was born."

"Jasper, you didn't know us when you were born," Raven stated.

"Or did I?" Jasper asked. "So, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you'd start to fangirl," Bellamy said. "Kinda like how Boyle fangirls over Peraltiago." (A/N: it's from b99 (a show i love), so if you don't know it, it's cause you don't watch the show, and now i'm just ashamed of you.)

"I see you've been binging b99 without me," Jasper said but didn't deny it, which makes everyone laugh.

Clarke smiled and kissed Bellamy. Jasper started jumping up and down yelling about how his OTP (whatever that meant) was finally together. He would always be the Boyle to our Peraltiago I guess.

"How did you even know to get here?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah," Clarke added. "I didn't call you."

"Which hurt, by the way," Jasper said, pouting at Clarke. "But I have my resources."

"By that," Murphy jumped in, "he means, he was on your live and watched it and heard you saying that you were gonna call everyone else."

Jasper sighed, "You know me so well, lil' cockroach."

"Shut up, Jordan," Murphy said, even though a smile was plastered onto his face.

"Okay, guys," Bellamy, returning his attention to the camera. Everyone followed his lead. "If you want a friend like Jasper in your life, just call us and we'll gladly ship him off to you."

"Hey!" Jasper complained.

"Anyway, that's what we've got for today, see you soon, hopefully!" Bellamy finished.

He smiled and turned off the camera.

hope you liked my b99 reference. please don't spoil anything because i only started watching it this week and im at the part where he likes her "romantic stylez". gods, i ship 'em so bad.

anyway, jasper was in this chapter to bring you guys joy with his chaotic self.

hope you enjoyed it :)


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