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"You were so in love, you weren't gon' tell me nothing
Let me get this clear 'cause I had no idea"

**how is anyone that's reading finding this fic? let me know in the comments ☺️

England certainly was a treat, they had a great time and they were closer than ever. It seemed as if John was on his way to being himself again, though that was debatable as cemetry staff looked in pity at a young man laying across a grave, dead flower petals in his hair and on his face and nose.

In the distance, a man was approaching with a boquet of flowers ready to place on a grave, but froze in his tracks at the sight of John at the grave. He thought about turning around and going back home, but he was due to talk to him anyway. Eric made his way over to him slowly, crouching down beside him and laying the flowers next to Tessa's grave. He smiled weakly at the young man and removed one of the petals from his face, only for John to gently catch his wrist. Ah. Tulips. Her favourite. The scene was Romantic in a way, Eric took a moment of silence.

An onlooker was sat at a bench with his sketchpad and a pencil drawing the scene he observed before them.

"I began to wonder who kept on bringing the flowers," John whispered.

He let Eric's wrist go, and it seemed that he was starting to gain his trust some more. There were tears in the corner of his eyes. It was her death anniversary.

"I care, kid. Even out of uniform," Eric said softly, looking up to the sky.

John didn't ask him why he was out of uniform on a weekday. He was scared he wouldn't like the answer, so he tried to gather his thoughts for a moment. Eric was concerned, it was obvious John was freezing.

"Where were you? What happened that night at that party?"

"I went to England... and I can't remember."

Eric threw his coat over him. John took it. What he needed was a serious talking to, though Eric was sure he probably wouldn't benefit from it. John let Eric reach over and brush some of the dirt out of his hair. He sniffled and complained about being cold.

Eric gestured for him to get in his car (and he made sure to lock the doors this time round). He bought him some food and dropped him off at home.

A couple of hours later, John got a text off his friend Tyler telling him to come round. He rolled his eyes but complied. John didn't want anyone to think he wasn't coping, so he threw on an oversized Levi shirt and a pair of baggy jeans before stuffing his feet into some old (but in) trainers.

It was the usual socialising with the few friends he did have, he was spending a lot of time on his phone. Craig noticed and snatched it away from him before John could even attempt to get it back. John's face turned red. Tyler peered over Craig's shoulder to see.

"Who's this?" Craig asked casually.

"My uh, friend," John replied quietly.

They were not convinced. Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"The friend that dropped everything to go halfway across the world with you?" Tyler wondered.

John shrugged and made an attempt to snatch the phone back, but it was already too late - they were going through his insta.

"Come on John, we know you're not straight," Tyler urged him under his breath.

John looked away from them for a moment and wrinkled his nose. He didn't really like putting labels on it, and he couldn't find the words. A tiny part of him was glad they at least knew, he could be himself around them.

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