bad boy down

91 4 10

"We gon' be alright

Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright"

Alright - Kendrick Lamar 

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**smut warning - if it makes you uncomfortable, skip past it until you see the first " -- --" after the one below this, I appreciate it's not everyone's cup of tea :) I struggled writing it this time lmao

**past death and brief past mentions of police brutality and racial inequality

intoxicated and in my feelings while writing this as the characters I write always seem to have a better life than I do, lol, so sorry about editing, i'll make sure spelling and stuff is correct tomorrow lol

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A couple weeks later, John invited Jaren round. By that point, he'd moved out of where he was previously living (as strongly advised by Eric because it was a dump) and completely
moved in with Eric.

Jaren had a little look around before following John upstairs. John went into his room and started fiddling with Eric's laptop he said he could use, trying to find something for them to watch. Jaren could see what he was doing and he appreciated it, but he had something else in mind.

"Shit, I need the charger. Wait a sec-"

Quickly, Jaren kissed his lips. John was taken by surprise, he stopped rushing for a minute and took the time to appreciate the kiss and his touch. The kisses were sloppy and needy and John was totally living for it. When Jaren grabbed his hands, the American broke the kiss for a moment and smirked.

"And what are you into?" John inquired, interested.

Forcefully, he pinned John's hands above his head and observed his reaction very closely. John's heart was racing as he looked back at his boyfriend.

"What are you into?" Jaren questioned him.

The older man was speechless as Jaren towered over him and started unbuckling his belt.

"Cause I saw how much you liked it when I pushed you against that wall," the Canadian whispered softly.

John still couldn't find the words as Jaren released his grip on his hands. He remembered that moment exactly, it only made him harder and he didn't want Jaren to have the satisfaction so he tried his best to hide it, placing a hand over his crotch. Of course, Jar had to be a dick and move it, revealing John's raging boner.

"Nothing to see here," John dismissed, but he didn't move.

Naturally, Jaren didn't give up. He threw his belt to one side. John's thoughts were all over the place in that moment. Was it happening? Yeah right, he thought as he refused to give him the satisfaction, despite already being his boyfriend. He blushed profusely, it had been a while in all honesty and he was out of practice.

"You sure about that?"


"You wouldn't mind me having a look?"

John swore he stopped breathing when he felt Jaren's hot fingertips underneath the waistband of his jeans, undoing the buttons and taking them off. As he did so, he kissed his inner thighs softly, all the way down to his ankle. The American flinched when he got to his ankle, because it was really sensitive. Jaren couldn't help but notice a bruise of some kind, or a scar. He didn't want John to think he was being nosy, so he looked away.

To ease the awkwardness as he didn't want to explain himself, John sat up and kissed him.  Jaren would usually close his eyes when they did so, but when he opened them he realised the view he was missing - John's long eyelashes and soft skin, how he'd hold onto him for dear life and how mesmerised he seemed. The kiss deepened, and Jaren took pleasure in introducing his tongue, running the tip of it along John's. Jaren slipped his hand on John's boxers, gripping his length and pleasuring him.

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