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"No rush
They say that I'm on a roll
Maybe I just lost control
These nights keep on taking tolls"

Darci - On My Own

** this book idea was planned out before recent protests in the news, but it's good to bring awareness. (Just so people know) 😊

published sat 6th june 17:41pm bst
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Thursday night was by far the hardest thing Eric had experienced in his entire life. Jaren arrived on time with actual groomed hair (a rare sight) a black long sleeved shirt, tight white jeans and trainers. He suspected that was more John's taste than anything, but didn't comment. He'd barely seen the boy's face yet. Eric was in the process of moving plates from the counter to the table when Jaren entered the kitchen.

Long story short, the plate shattered to pieces. Quickly, John rushed to help him clean up, mumbling that he was practically an old man to let it slip like that. The two stared at each other in awe, the chances of such a coincidence happening were next to zero, but perhaps the past was catching up with Jaren. Still, Jaren kept his composure and went over to help.

Eric blinked at him in disbelief, suddenly put in a difficult position.

Of course, John introduced Jaren and Eric had to pretend as if they hadn't already met before. Jaren boldly put out his hand for him to shake, and Eric looked at him to check he was being serious. Since he knew that John was watching, he shook his hand.

When they'd finished eating and Eric couldn't stand faking it anymore, he took the opportunity to smoothly pull John outside because he needed to do something before he made up his mind. John was curious, wondering why he'd been asked to help with the dishes when they were already done. Eric leaned forward slightly, keeping Jaren in his line of sight.

"Do you love him?" Eric asked him seriously, he knew it was none of his business and there was a possibility John could react badly to it.

Maybe there was some maturity in him yet, John relaxed a little when the topic wasn't as daunting as he thought it'd be. With a genuinely happy smile, he looked back at Jaren sitting at the dinner table. The young man was clueless but was trying to eavesdrop, but couldn't hear anything. John then looked back at Eric.

Eric's heart broke.

"Yeah, he just doesn't know it yet," John admitted honestly, blushing.

He didn't know Jaren that well but he could tell they were a good match. John was a lost boy and intelligent, he struggled with his emotions but he was just as vulnerable as any other human being in the world. Jaren was brave and persuasive, he knew his rights and he stood by them. Eric supposed that maybe, just maybe they were two souls that needed each other.

Awkwardly, Eric smiled at him and quietly congratulated him, but it felt like someone was stabbing his stomach repeatedly. John joined Jaren at the table, whilst the ex-cop tried to think of how he would get through the rest of the evening.

After Jaren left, Eric made a phone call that was a little too overdue.

"Hey Matt. It's me. You're right. I'm too close to this and I need your help," he urged.

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Elsewhere, Jaren was in his car with Ezra trying to sort out the situation between them. Ezra was stubborn at best of times, but somehow Jaren couldn't talk him out of what he was about to do.

"It's dangerous protesting there. You know that. Our lot don't go there. You know what happened last time," Jaren warned him, people were hurt in the process and he didn't want more upset.

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