
70 4 13

published 18:47pm bst

smii7y: John we need to talk

Smii7y: baby you're scaring me

smii7y: I heard what happened, can we meet up? I wanna be there for you

"My mum always said I could capture pain really well. She thinks I could be a war photographer," Mason explained softly, and was careful around the subject.

Matt took a step back and observed the Aussie's drawings, feeling a mix of confusion and appreciation. He saw his late friend in one of them, comforting a young man next to a grave, not knowing he would be in one soon. Matt has always said he was too close.

"You're a weird kid," Matt said honestly.

There was a mutual silence between them. Mason felt a little uncomfortable at a head officer coming over to his place, he figured Matt needed some more closure. The Aussie gave him some space, only for Matt to tell him to wait.

"You're welcome at the funeral."

Matt went by Eric's house to check on John. It took a couple of knocks on the door for John to answer. He'd been checking on him for the last three days, and no change. The kid's face was drained and there was nothing in his eyes. John took his usual position, which was at the kitchen table, on the seat furthest away from the garden. Matt was surprised to discover Eric's famous pasta still in the fridge. He looked over at John and figured he should eat.

"You know, he put you in his will," Matt broke the news, he'd known since yesterday when he went through some of Eric's stuff.

Slowly, John turned his head to look at the chief officer. It was progress, Matt figured. Emotion flashed in his eyes and he nodded, almost like he didn't believe it.

"I didn't know you were that close. He really cared about you, like a son," Matt observed.

He reached into the fridge and took out the pasta dish, it was still in date. There wasn't any objections from John when he started to serve it up and put it in the microwave.

"Fate still took him away," John replied flatly, because talking about him and reminiscing wasn't going to bring him back.

"Fate kept you alive for a reason," Matt reasoned with him.

John got up and took the food out of the microwave, taking it back to the table. Something wasn't right, so he got up and placed another plate at the end of the table, halving his portion and placing a knife and fork either side of the plate. After that, he felt more relaxed. Matt realised he'd done that because that was where Eric would usually sit.

"That may be, but what for? Didn't grieve properly the first time."

Matt walked over to him and crouched down next to him, trying to get him to see sense.

"It's gonna be hard for me to go to his funeral too. But I'll pick you up. OK?"

Mason was at the funeral. He made sure not to mention Jaren, mainly because it was none of his business. He stayed by John's side through it, making sure he was okay. John looked down, and in his palms was Eric's police badge. He began to wonder if Eric left the force because of him, but he figured that was silly.

At graveside, John placed an orange rose down, as well as the badge. Mason quietly said a prayer, though the Aussie caught Matt's interest because he remembered being shown a drawing of a grave with a familiar badge next to it.

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