trust issues

88 4 10

Ayy shawty,
Ayy darlin'
Ayy baby girl,
Suck my private

Out west - travis Scott, young thug, jackboys

i personally apologise for the shitty uploading schedule, i have been very tired and not really in a good place as of late, but this fic will be finished soon. i think it will be finished either in the next chapter or 2-3 chapters soon. i hope you guys enjoyed this fic and im sad it's coming to an end. i hope this chapter was worth the wait.

also writing another krii7y fic as you read this :') (im crazy)

i'm gonna put pressure on myself and set the next chapter for this thursday. (80% of this fic was pre-written, i just have to write the rest now)

so yeah make sure to keep letting me know what you guys think. and thanks for the votes. it means so much for my self esteem/confidence as a writer lol


"You weren't meant to hit him!" a voice yelled, it was Matt's.

John could hear a bit of white noise, but it was the usual. He couldn't move his eyes very much, he bit down on his bottom lip to distract himself from the pain in his hands and his thighs. He could tell Jaren wasn't that far away from him.

"She broke your heart," John assumed, thinking back to Jaren's affair with his teacher.

Jaren couldn't move either, but he didn't have the energy to shake his head.

"More than you know," he admitted quietly, a banging pain in his head.

There was a silence that passed between them, there wasn't much the officers could do but wait. Matt signalled to some of the nearby officers for them to give them a moment.

The words came out about how Jaren felt he was led on and chucked away when her husband got suspicious, and he'd found it even harder to form lasting relationships with people since.

"I didn't want to hurt anyone. It was to prove a point."

"I know, I know. You're chaotic good. And I'm attracted to that."

Somewhere, John gathered some strength and he willed himself to sit up, and was told off by a police officer checking him over with their basic first aid knowledge until the ambulance arrived. He assured him he was fine and he gritted his teeth through the pain, unsurprised as he looked down at his shoulder. Dislocated to say the least, he thought.

Slowly, he walked over to Jaren, but he hadn't done the same. He was blinking and trying to make sense of the world around him, but he wasn't moving. Maybe it was all the trauma, or he had always expected the worst, but he was very calm as he crouched near the Canadian.

"I can't move."

John linked their hands together, and he smiled at him.

"It's the shock. Trust me."


"You aren't scared of him?" Jaren's dad asked John seriously.

They were in the hospital at the time, probably two weeks after the incident. Jaren was responsive and well, just on some strong painkillers and on a mission to get some crutches. He could still walk, but it wasn't very far. Jaren was fast asleep as the meds he was on often knocked him out.

In response, John closed the book he was reading. He already got the vibe that his boyfriend didn't have the best relationship with his parents, and they definitely were frightened of him.

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