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this is gonna make you slightly
uncomfortable. just a heads up 😌 💅🏾 the songs make the fic 100x better I promise x

idk any American fast food places so I said Nando's sorry

Inspired by a scene out of a Netflix movie. if you know you know :')

published 17:25pm bst

"Devilish, saying the party love me, yuh
The devil wins, just saying the party love me, yuh"

Chase Atlantic - Devilish

Kindly, though it was long overdue, Eric had arranged for John to see a therapist in the morning in relation to his trauma. John was running a little late because he couldn't find a decent pair of shoes, so Eric told him to meet him in the car.

Eric took four steps outside the front door and a bone-shattering scream could be heard from outside. John was pretty sure it woke the whole neighbourhood up. Quickly, he got some shoes on and met him outside to find him with his hands on his head, looking at his car.

"What the fuck?"

John took a few steps closer and discovered that someone had keyed it. It wasn't the best neighbourhood, but he couldn't think of why that had happened. It must have happened last night when they came back from the hospital, as they wouldn't have noticed it in the dark. He stood where he was, observing how the person who'd done it had keyed both sides.

Something was different inside John that day.

He came back from an appointment with his therapist with suspected PTSD. John had been in denial for a while, but he wasn't a doctor so he couldn't argue with the diagnosis.

John thought about the vandalism more and more, and as much as he liked to block Tessa out of his mind, he remembered something she'd said to him.

Taking that in mind, he went over to Jaren's. He wondered how he'd react when he hadn't given him the heads-up, but he didn't really care. John was a little surprised when a woman answered, he figured it was Jaren's mom. His mom called for Jaren and smiled at him. When she asked who he was, John looked her in the eye and said, "I don't know". She studied him, confused.

Jaren appeared, also surprised that John had came to his front door. John took a step back and gestured they speak away from his nosy parents in the background. The younger boy shut the door and then decided to speak in the driveway near his car instead. For a couple of seconds, they were just staring at each other until John decided to say something because his boyfriend was too good at hiding his emotions, he was never going to catch him
out. There was an odd tension between them lately, and John knew Jaren felt it too. Maybe it was a sign they weren't meant to be.

His sister always said that keying a car was a lover's crime.

So John looked his boyfriend in the eye and crossed his arms, unimpressed that he thought he'd be able to get away with it.

"I know it was you. I know it was you, because you're unpredictable. You do what you want," John mentioned.

It didn't phase Jaren. John was disgusted that he didn't even try to deny it. So there was something going on between him and Eric. He wanted to know what they were talking about at the hospital in private.

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