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prepare yourself for this Saturday's chapter

"I feel like a child
I know it's denial
I'm going through phases"

Chase Atlantic - Phases

published 18:28pm bst

Eric sat at the kitchen table with his hands together, thinking about what Matt told him. It was almost too fucked to believe. He contemplated telling John, because he deserved to know. He contemplated warning Jaren that he knew. Then he concluded that there really was no point breaking two hearts at once.

In their big and lonely house were Jaren's parents. They were having something to eat as they waited for their son to come home. They happened to have a bit of time on their hands, they didn't talk often because of their busy schedules, but figured it was time. The discussion got heated in no time.

"He burnt her house down, Gem!"

"He probably felt betrayed. We don't know why. He wouldn't tell us anything."

"Her husband was inside! He barely made it!"

"But he's alive and well, still receiving the money we're giving him."

"That boy we've seen him with could be next, and I-"

Both of them stopped arguing at the sound of the door. Jaren walked in with John. He ignored them as if they weren't there, though John made the effort to awkwardly smile. The American noticed Jaren's stand-offish behaviour towards his parents when he'd been around lately, but thought not to mention it.

Jaren and John were chilling upstairs when Jaren changed his mood lights to purple. John looked at him out the corner of his eye, wondering what that meant. So he shot him an accusatory look, and Jaren pulled him closer, kissing his neck. Nervously, John tucked some hair behind his ear and went through his phone, though he felt eyes reading his texts. To solve the problem, he put his phone to the side and tried to ignore him.

"Have you got anything to drink-"

With seconds, Jaren pulled out a bottle of gin and two glasses from under his bed. He went downstairs to go and get some lemonade and tonic water, returning in two minutes.

An hour later, John was pretty wavy, mumbling nonsense and Jaren was playing with his hair. He didn't object, so he let it continue.

"Should we talk about honesty?" Jaren inquired, because John had been conveying that kind of vibe lately.

He was laying down and drunk, but John still managed to nod.

"You've been resisting me lately. Physically and mentally."

"I um...I didn't notice."

Slowly, John sat up and avoided his eyes. Jaren wasn't sure how to feel about that. When he saw how Jaren was looking at him, he gave in and thought he should be more honest. Then he was just silent, sipping on his pink gin and lemonade.

"It's funny, because you were pretty honest when I pushed you up against my car," the younger noted.

John cringed when he thought back to that moment where he said that Jaren was manipulative and controlling, but that was his type after all.

"I'll get a reaction," Jaren assured him, with a straight face.

When John didn't say anything, he smacked the glass out of his hand, its contents going everywhere. The glass hit his mirror, and it made a loud crack. John observed him, and he wasn't even phased that he could have gotten himself seven year's bad luck. He wasn't surprised when Jaren was on top of him all of a sudden.

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