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Billie Jean

The sound of shouts and excitement echoed the halls as the finale bell rang letting the little demons free from their classes.

I strolled down the hall clinging to my history book as the chaos of kids rang the hall. I felt my slick white ruffled socks hitting the tips of my black Mary Jane heels.

Ugh! Mama brought me a size up and they're my least favorite pair, but I knew putting them on this morning made her happy.

My black skirt swayed my hips, while my black vest hugged my pink fluffy button down.

Today my curls was slick back and wrapped in a orange scarf like a ponytail.

All my rubber bands popped this morning leaving me with scarfs to improvise with.

Suddenly, I felt a tugging at my skirt and in shock I did what any person would.

I swung my arms at the culprit until a familiar face appeared.

"Woah there pretty girl, I was trying to help you. Your skirt was rising." Tyrone voice hinted with a bit of amusement.

"Keep your hands off me." I yelled at him in anger.

"I was just trying to help, ya dig?" he says now walking with me.

I roll my eyes wanting to get away from him. The clicking of my Mary Janes rampaged the tiled flooring as I see my locker in view.

"You're a feisty one."

"Buzz off, Tyrone. My brother and Keith are probably at the park by now. Maybe instead of bugging me, you should bug them." I finally speak up with a hint of annoyance in my tone.

I made it to my locker only for him to still be standing in front of me. Students slid passed in small conversations about after school fun and I too was starting to think about the same thing.

Where was Robin?

"I actually came to talk to you." Tyrone says as I roll in my combination to my locker.

"Shoot." I say encouraging him to continue unfazed, actually ready to end all convo with him.

I slid open my locker door covering Tyrone's face gently sliding the history book inside.

"What do you know about that white boy at the skate rink?" Tyrone questions making my eyes widen to his sudden question.

My daisy friend.

Maybe he could be talking of someone else. Can't be my friend.

My grip was holding my locker door that was a wall between Tyrone and I.

"What white boy?" I laugh grabbing the white crafted purse I brought with me this morning.

I slung it over my right arm and quickly close my locker to meet Tyrone intimidating face. Once a jokester now sinister in a way. Or maybe I was just nervous.

"You know, the boy that works at the skate center handing out skates." Tyrone sighs on making me nod.

Damn, he's talking of Harry.

"Honestly, I wish I knew who you were talking about, but I'm clueless. I was a bit drunk that night." I say with a smile.

He laughs a bit tapping his index upon his melanin lips.

"Right, Right." he crackles to himself; making me giggle in the process. "Was that before or after you went to the lake?"

My smile suddenly fades as my heart plummets to my ass. His smile vanished and his jaw tightens a bit.

What the hell? How the hell? When the hell?

"Billie Jean!" I heard Robin voice screaming from down the hall as Tyrone smile reappears like magic.

What a phony.

I swallowed harshly as Robin reaches the bother of us.

"Ready?" Robin giggles to me and then turning to Tyrone with a gushing grin.

"Hey, you're suppose to meet us at the diner after school!" she says making me take a step back in shock.

Did she really invite him after our talk a few days ago?

Tyrone pulled her into a hug making Robin giggle excitedly only for Tyrone to glare at me intensely.

I suddenly felt sick and uncomfortable in my pick of clothing.

Once letting go I spoke up, " I thought it was going to be us girls. Didn't know we were bringing um.. dates."

I felt sick even saying that, but I let my pride go for once.

Robin gazed at me in thought. "You're right. Billie Jean doesn't have a date. So, this is just a girls thing today."

Way to go Robin.

"Hmpt. What a shame such a pretty girl like you should have all the fellas running." Tyrone sighs glaring at my figure as Robin senselessly laughs.

What has gotten into her? I gazed over to her glaring down her turtle neck dress smiling at the beauty.

Kinda spicy outside to wear that, but look at me. I'm wearing the same thing, basically.

Then I turned back at Tyrone who seem to be waiting for my response to his compliment.

"What can I say?" I laugh softly gripping my purse handle uncomfortably.

"Not much." he utters and I had a feeling he was referring to earlier as I nod uncertain.

"Well, I must be going. The boys are waiting for me at the park." Tyrone bide his goodbyes kissing Robin on her lips making me squirm and then turning to me.

"Maybe, I'll just go see Tony then." he says to me then walking off with a group of kids going the same direction down the hall.

I felt a heavy weight lift from my shoulders as I watch him hit the corner.

"Billie we gotta go the girls are already waiting for us at the diner!" Robin tehee grabbing my wrist and pulling me along as I try to loosen up my tensed body.

But no matter how many times I tried, I felt something.

Something about Tyrone wanting info on Harry gave me the chills.

Right after Harry said stay away from him.

I need to find Harry soon.

Whewwww 😅! What do you guys think is going on between Harry and Tyrone? Give me your thoughts!

Powerhouse 🤍

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