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"Where have you been?"

Shit. I was biting my tongue not to ask that exact question, but it was the only thing that's been on my mind since he went missing.

It made me angry knowing he could come and go as he pleases and think I'd be okay with that because I'm not.

How does one kiss me and do all this sweet stuff to me and then disappear. I don't like that especially from my daisy friend.

Harry put his car in drive and sped off making my back hit the seat harshly. I gasped looking for the air that I lost then scurrying for my seat belt.

"I tell you all the time about that seat belt, Bee." Harry sighs pulling the cigarette that laid on his his ears between his lips.

I glared at him taking in his image.

He was a sight to see.

His curls laid shorter than ever, that was the first thing I've noticed. His white top shirt hung sloppy upon his chest and his work slacks with street marks and oil slid loosely upon his legs with a red bandanna wrapped around his neck.

He lit his cigarette nodding his head a bit in satisfaction.

"Got a new haircut since you've been ignoring me." I uttered shifting in my seat resting my forearm upon the door of his car shooting him with lava filled eyes.

He let's out a dry laugh that almost sounded like a cough, " I wasn't ignoring you, bunny."

"Mhm." I hummed rolling my eyes. "Sounds like lies to me."

"What I tell you about rolling your eyes." Harry pulls his cig from his mouth turning his head to me. His eyes pierced into mines looking for a response.

" It's just an eye roll." I mutter with sas unbothered by his ticking behavior.

His hand slapped on my exposed thigh making me jump in shock.

"Do that shit again, watch what I do." he threatens me making my heart beat increase and my stomach turn in knots.

My cheeks began to heat like boiling water and I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from smiling at how aggressive he was being. I kinda wanted to set him off more.

The car fell over with silence as his tender hands rubbed my sore thigh that he spanked seconds ago. His cold rings awoken my goosebumps and the veins coursing through his hand and arm made my soul whimper.

What a sight.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around like you wanted me to. I've been busy." he admits making me nod.

"While you've been busy I've basically lost my best friend, I'm a senior, and Keith asked me on a date." I explained quickly in a hurry as he whipped his cigarette and then turned to me.

"Keith? What you mean?" Harry asks as he drives down the street flying past the dinner.

" He honestly was acting weird about it though. Saying things like it's so important or mandatory and that it's too many eyes and ears around." I laugh thinking back at Keith being stupid.

Stupid enough to think I'll say yes to that trick.

Harry on the other hand didn't even smile at my humor he actually flicked his half done cigarette out the window.

"That was all? Did he say anything else?" he eagerly asks making my eyebrows furrow.

"No, but is there something I need to know?" I questioned squinting my eyes looking for answers within his face.

I found nothing.

"No bunny." Harry shuts all questions and conversations off making me groan in annoyance. He's always trying to be a closed book.

"I hate when you do this." I blurt out in frustration.

"Do what, Billie Jean?"

"This!" I exclaim pointing at him as he gazed at me still lost.

"What?" he asks once he pulled up to the roller rink parking lot.

"Try to keep secrets. Clearly there's something up and you're keeping it from me!" I shout at him.

Cutting the car off he turns to me rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"You're overreacting, baby. Just calm down. I'm not hiding anything." he sighs.

"Whatever, Harry." I mutter to myself rolling my eyes and turning my head out the window.

I felt his hand grip my thigh tightly forcing me to turn to him in confusion. His face was stern and his green eyes darkened.

"What did I tell you?" he said through his teeth making my eyes bust from my head realizing I did the exact thing he warned me about.

"I'm sorry-" I uttered and he clicked his seat belt.

"Get out." he says sternly to me as I sat there in shock.


"I said get out now." he raises his voice clicking my seat belt undone and then opening his door and pulling his own self out the car.

I still sat there in pure shock. Was he really that upset? I gazed around watching him walk to my side of the door and my hands began to cram with sweat.

He pulled the car door open, grabbing my arm and pulling me out.

"Harry I said I was sorry." I whimper to him as he slams my side of the door.

"Sorry not gonna cute it this time bunny."

"Time to teach you a lesson."


Sorry I started working again and I've been hitting 40hr a week, but shit about to get 🥴!

Powerhouse 🤍

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