Chapter Twenty-Five

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———Tom Pov:

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Tom Pov:

Red and I were texting constantly before, but now he hasn't replied to me for several days.. I'm really worried. He might be dead or he could've just gotten tired of me for all I know- Oh god, why am I so upset in the first place? I'm turning into a overprotective girlfriend...

I'm not sure what Red and I are, but when he kissed me.. God.. it felt so mysteriously magical. It's like I have no idea who I'm kissing, but yet it seems so familiar. So now that he hasn't answered me for a while.. I just feel super worried...

"Do you want a cola?" Edd asks me which knocks me out of my thoughts. "It might wake you up a bit."

"Oh yeah, sure Edd," I reply and Edd takes a cola out of the fridge, then handing me it. "Thanks."

"You seem really out of it lately," Edd sits down on the lounge couch as I pop open the can. "What's on your mind?"

I sigh as I walk over to a sofa chair and sit on it, lifting one leg over the other. I take a sip of my cola as Edd leans back on the couch, I then look at him and say, "It's really not anything, I just haven't been very focused lately. I get that way sometimes."

"Tom," Edd gives me a serious look. "That's the thing, you're always focused. That's why it's so worrying to see you like this, so can you just tell me what's going on with you?"

I could never tell Edd I fell in love with Red, just like I could never tell him I fell in love with Tord. It's like a Romeo and Juliet thing, except I know it's impossible to love someone on the other side.. That's why I had to kill Tord. It.. it was apart of my duty...

"Really Edd, I'm fine. Everyone's head gets stuck in the clouds sometimes, it's really no big deal," I say and then chug my soda from nervousness.

"You like like him don't you-"

I spit out my drink and look at his amused smile with a angry glare, I wipe the cola off my chin and retort, "No! No way!"

"Yeah right, I can see right through you,"

"Shut up! I would never love the enemy! Never in a million!-"

"Then what's this?" Edd then holds up the lavender flower, to which I carefully snatch it from him.

"This is nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I say but the hardcore blush on my face says otherwise, Edd smirks which only makes me more flustered.

"Then why do you still have it after days of him giving it to you-"

"SHUT UP! Just shut up! I don't love him!"

"Come on Tom! You're blushing like a little school girl when she talks about her crush over the phone," Edd laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, you'd know from experience," I say which makes Edd stop laughing and glare at me.

"Hey! I'm no school girl!" Edd exclaims and I snicker.

"Yeah but you were always talking about girls, boys, and the others over the phone in high school like a blushing school girl nonstop! It was almost every night!"

"You're changing the subject!"


"So!- So stop it!"

"Nah," Edd then pouts and I cross my arms in dirty victory.

Matt then appears in the doorway with a envelope, he says, "Guys, a letter from RA came in, I don't want to be here while you read it." Matt then hands the letter to me and turns toward the door.

"I understand Matt, you go relax," I say and Matt nods before leaving the room, I turn to Edd. "Man, Matt really doesn't like this guy does he."

"He must have a reason for it, he always has a reason for not liking someone.. but I doubt he'd tell us," Edd says then turns to me. "Now open it up and read what it says."

I nod and rip open the envelope, pulling out the paper and unfolding it, I then read it out loud, "Dear Thomas," This letter is for me? "My superiors have found out about our relationship and demand I apologize to you in person, I would be very grateful if you were to meet my supervisors and I at the Citadel in London tomorrow at 6:00 PM so we can agree to keep our relationship mutual," My digital pupils decrease in size when I don't see the word 'love'. "Red Avenger." How could he do this to me?..

"Wait.." Edd begins. "You guys actually had a-"

"I don't want to talk about it Edd..."

"Is this what has been bugging you?-"

"If you don't SHUT UP, then I'm leaving this GODDAMN room," I say as I hide my tears through red and angry digital eyes, when really I'm trembling from sadness.

"Tom..." Edd whispers, I then stand up and leave the room as I wipe the tears from the bottom of my visor.

*The Next Day, London*

I arrive at the citadel with Edd beside me and we walk inside, there stands Red with Scott and what seems to be a general at his sides. His mask is showing a smile, but his whole aura gives off a deadly and depressing feeling.. What did they do to him?...

We walk up to them and Scott says, "Red Avenger will now apologize to you with a bow to show great respect while also admitting his minor crime." I gently hug myself as Red bends his torso in the form of a bow.

"I'm sorry Blue Leader," Red whispers very quietly, that accent is just so familiar. I just can't tell what it is from him speaking so quietly, his whispering muffles the accent to a high degree... Red then stands up straight with his hands at his sides, he holds his hand out for a handshake and says, "I hope you can forgive me." in a mumble.

I take his hand and I can feel him slip something from his sleeve into my hand, it confuses me immensely but I still shake his hand and reply with, "I understand the apology." even though it's a complete lie.

We let go and I clench the note in my hand very tightly, the general says, "That'll be all, we will make sure to leave you alone and avoid inviting you to our social events from now on." as Red lowers his head, I can't help but frown from his sadness.

"We'll be heading out now," Edd says and takes my hand into his. "Have a good day men." Edd then leads me out of the citadel while I continue to hold the note for dear life.

*Rebellion Base*

I sit on my bed and open up the small folded note, I quietly read it out loud, "I will never stop loving you, that is why I need to ask a favor of you.. I only trust you Tom," My eyes widen in surprise, he still loves me? "Meet me at midnight in the garden, the one I gave you the lavender at. Please.. please don't hate me," I softly smile. "Love, Red."

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