Chapter 18

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The next morning, I go to class early, knowing that Matt likes to come before everyone else. We have been broken up for over 6 months. What Claire is doing to me is bad, but dating the guy that cheated on both of us? I don't know if she'd like that at all.

I know that she wouldn't.

When Claire comes in, she hands me another note:
"I'm so sorry."
"Just meet me in my room after class." I write.
"Ooooooh sorry, I'm busy."
"With Jake."
"Ya. We can hang out Tuesday in two weeks. Are you free then?"
Once again, I crumple up the paper and throw it in the trash. Then I get out a new note.
"Hey, meet me in the bubble room after class?"
"Of course."

After class, I rush to the bubble room, where I haven't been for ages. I want to be there first, so I can wait for Matt. When he shows up, I wait for him to sit down on the bench.
"About last night, I don't know what happened." I say.
"I know." He says."You still have feelings for me."
I blush until my cheeks are bright red.
"Well, maybe I do. But we can't date, what about Claire? She would never be okay with this."
"Hmmm." He says.
After a few minutes of not talking, I decide to break the silence.
"Maybe we should just kiss again, and think about that later?"
Before he could answer, I leaned in.
We were still missing minutes later, when someone came in. Claire and Jake. We break from our kiss and I am shocked.
"I thought that no one knew about this place." I whisper.
"Well, everyone but me, you, and Jake."
Our quiet side conversation was interrupted quickly by Claire.
"Kamila! Why are you kissing that cheater?"She yells.
"Because I love him." I declare. I've decided that yes, I do love Matt.

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