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Lucy's POV:
Jake and I stayed up all night talking about random things, it was so refreshing to laugh instead of cry. Jake was still sleeping so I started making breakfast for him and I to eat. I started making eggs and bacon, when they were finished I woke him up with a soft kiss on the lips. "Morning" I said laughing He smiled and got out of bed "morning" and he put on a pair of sweets and went down raising me down the stairs. He got down before me and started to do a victory dance. I looked at him with my arms across my chest trying to look mad and not laugh but failed miserably. He grabbed me by the waist lifted me on the counter after he saw me laugh.
"What's so funny?" He says with my sitting on the counter with me still laughing about how stupid he was. "Your so stupid" I said to him
"How am I stupid" he said
"Because this is so cliche" I said we both laugh he pulls him self closer to me faces centimetres away from each other. I put my head into his chest and start to hug him.
He pulls me off the counter and grabs his plate and sits down, I do the same. We start eating the whole time we were talking and laughing.

(1 month later)
Jakes POV:
Lucy and I have gotten closer over the last month we have become best friends we hang out almost every day. She was still dating tyler after I told him he was bad news but it was okay he was treating her better. She was coming over to my house today and I told her to bring a change of shorts and a tank to something easy to walk in. We pretty much going to be at my house all day but I'm surprising her and we are going on a hike up a mountain near my house and than later tonight the boys and Alex wanted to go out to Dairy Queen.
"Are you done getting ready yet!" I yell through the door
"I'm coming out soon give me two minutes! What are we doing anyways that I need to put on athlete clothes?" She asks
"It's a surprise now come on!" I say as she walks out

Lucy's POV:
I walked out of the bathroom with my booty shorts and a tank top, having no idea where we were going. Jake literally grabs my had and runs out of his house into the car. We were holding hands the whole car ride there. It was so normal because we have done worse stuff like make out, but we are just friends. Jake parks the car we were next to a forest we get out of the car and he pulls me towards the forest.
"What are we doing here?" I asked
" we are going to hike up and see the beautiful view! Now come on!" He said I started laughing
" your so lame" I said as we started walking in the forest.
I took out my phone and started tweeting
* @lucy_xoxo : this idiot taking me up a hill wtf😂😂 @Jack99
He received the notification and started laughing. I went on snap chat and posted videos of us walking up the hills in the forest.
After twenty minutes of walking we got to the top, it had a beautiful view so peaceful and quiet. I was looking around and noticed Jake had a basket with him this whole time. He pulled a blanket out of the basket and placed it on the floor and set the basket on top. He sat down and I did the same he was pulling food out of the basket and set it on the blanket. We started eating the food he packed. He packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, and Nutella sandwiches. We were taking pictures and talking
"So how's Tyler and you" he asks me, I know he isn't a fan of tyler and me.
"We're good, he's pretty mad right now though" I say
"Why?" He asked
"Because I spend to much time with you" we both laugh
After the hike we went back to jakes house I changed into more comfortable clothing and went down stairs to see Jake watching criminal minds on tv and texting I sat beside him to watch the show while I saw his phone light up a name popped up on the screen her name was grace.
"Hey my friend is coming to Dairy Queen with us is that okay" he said
"Okay!" I said
"Is tyler coming?" He asked
"Nah, not really in the mood to fight with him tonight" he nods his head and checks the time
" Oh crap we gotta leave now or we will be late, it's 10 we have to be there by 10:20" he said
We rushed to the door put our shoes on and left the house. I was wearing a white crop top with my TNA black leggings, I put on my uggs. Jake was wearing skinny jeans with a grey shirt. L
We finally arrived at Dairy Queen we were the last ones there except Jakes friend wasn't here yet. We all ordered than Jakes phone bussed he told me to answer it because he went to get the ice cream. It was grace.
* sorry babe I can't come tonight I'm really tied up at work text u later<3
"Jake it grace she can't make it - work" I said
"Okay just say don't worry text me when she can" he tells me to respond
* don't worry about it text me later
Jake never told me he had a girlfriend! I'm so excited to meet her but I'm sorta mad... I do t know why though.
Jake and Alex come back with our food and sit down.
"Umm... Guys I think we should leave" shawn says looking over at two people
"Why?" Anthony asks
Shawn whispers in Anthony's ear, Anthony looked around the room angrily.
"What's wrong!?" Alex says Anthony points at a couple sitting at a booth the guys head was facing away from us and the girl was facing us.
"Who is that?" I ask as Jake looks at me sadly.
"Who!" I practically yell and stand up
"Um...Umm Lucy it's Tyler" shawn says looking at me
I looked at him with disbelief. I walked over to the couple to see if it was actually Tyler.

Shawn's POV;
Lucy got up and walked towards the couple to see if it was actually Tyler. When she got to the table she looked like she was about to cry the guy stood up and gave her a hug. She pushed him off, than slapped him across the face. You could see tears falling down her face. It was obviously Tyler. She ran out of Dairy Queen and Jake chased her.

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