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Lucy's POV:
Alex and I were getting ready for the party. I was wearing a strapless pink pencil dress that went up to mid thigh, with my hair down curly. While Alex was wearing a pick crop top with black poke-a-dots, with a black skirt and her hair up in a messy ponytail. When we we're finished we walked downstairs to see the boy's. Jayson was wearing a tight jeans and a plad shirt, Anthony was wearing a tight gray shirt and tight jeans, jake was wearing a hoodie and sweats. he didn't even have to try and he is still hot.
"Alright let's go" jayson said walking to his car that only fit 4 people.
"Where's Shawn?" I ask
"He couldn't make it family things" Anthony replied.
"Only 4 can fit and there's 5 of us. who's going alone?" Jayson asked
"I have my car I'll drive myself" I say as jayson nods.
"I'll go with you" jake says. I couldn't help but smile.
During the car ride there was a lot of hand holding and talking
We were finally at the party and jayson introduced us to all his friends. they were pretty attractive but had a douche vibe to them. Jake was talking to some of my brothers friends when I went to get a drink at the bar. Before I ordered i couldn't help but notice the bar tender talking to a guy that looked like someone I knew. The guy turned around and I realized it wasn't just a guy I knew it was Tyler. I didn't bother talking to him, he was a waste of my time.
"What can I get you pretty lady?" The bar tender asks me.
"A vodka twist" I say
He heads me the drink, I stay sitting at the bar when Tyler comes and sits next to me.
"Why haven't you been answering my phone calls?" He asks
"Because I am over you and your shit! leave" he stands up and leaves with his hands up in the air, as if he serenaders.
I take a sip of my drink and I start feeling different. Not a different as in drunk, I am drunk but it felt weird. Than everything got blurry I didn't know what was happening.
I finally gained control of myself and woke up to 3 guys on me.
"HELP! Jake HELP!" I was getting raped. After I called for Jake one of they guys slapped me and put there hand over my mouth. I kicked the one that was on top of me in the balls and slapped him. he got off and the other 2 guys jumped back on me I couldn't help but notice one of the boys were Tyler. I kept on screaming until finally someone came into save me. But not Jake, Anthony.
"Get off her!" He yells punching Tyler in the face. pulled me away from the guys and told me to run. I ran out of the room trying to look for Jake.
"Hey have you seen Jake?" I asked Jayson
"Yeah he's upstairs" he says. I didn't bother telling him about the whole rape situation because he would go crazy and this isn't the place. I run upstairs to the bedrooms. door to door yelling "Jake, jake!" No answer. I opened the last bedroom door, and see Jake having sex with some bitch. I gasp for air because I couldn't breathe.
" Lucy!" He says getting off the bed. I run out the party crying.

Jakes POV:
"Lucy I can explain! Wait Lucy! Wait!" I say yelling trying to get her to stop running away from me. I chased after her after she ran out of the party.
"Lucy please wait! I need to talk to you." I say yelling. she stops and turns around.
"What! What can you possibly say that can make this better! You are my best friend, holy I was yelling your name when fucken Tyler was trying to rape me! I thought you cared about me. but no you were banging a girl you just met when I needed you!"
"Yeah he did, I was crying out your name. but you didn't come Anthony came. because you were to busy fucking a girl!"
"I'm sorry, But we were never a thing so you can't e mad" I say. she walks closer to me. She slaps me and walks away. I deserved it, I dorm know what I was thinking I was a complete ass to her. I'm so stupid.

Lucy's POV:
After I slapped him I ran back to the party to find the 3 guys that tried to rape me all beat up, and Anthony all bruised and bleeding. I couldn't leave him here he saved me. I grabbed him and started walking to my house with him.
"Thanks... for what you did back there, you know the whole saving me thing" I say to him
"Hey don't worry. I just can't believe Tyler. he's changed so much." he said
I started crying.
"What's wrong?" He says in a soft voice rubbing my back with his hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for crying" I say
"Never apologize to me you have nothing to be sorry for." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Just after you saved me I went to find Jake. he was sleeping with another girl. when he tried to explain everything he said we were never really together so I shouldn't be mad. I slapped him, I had a right to. even though we aren't together I thought he had feelings for me." I say still hugging Anthony.
"He's a dick for going for someone else when he has you" he says letting go of the hug and continues walking.
"Well every guy ends up moving on you did, Tyler did, and now Jake." I said
"Lucy, you knew that it was the stupidest thing I have done in my life was cheat on you. you know how much I regret it, I still do and always will."

Anthony's POV:
Yes I still love Lucy, I've loved her since day one. but she can never know that. We finally got to her house. we talked about the whole situation.
" Need to get my mind off of this, can we not talk about it anymore. ANY of it?"
"Whatever you want." i say as she Higgs me on her couch. she started to cry I cupped my hands around her face wiping the tears away holding her. out faces moved closer together.

Lucy's POV:
We were making out on my couch the kiss got deeper and deeper. the only thing going through my head was how much I miss Jake but I had to get him out of my mind. We walked upstairs to my room and than started kissing more the kiss got deeper that I realized that Anthony and I just had sex.

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