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     I wake up to my alarm

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I wake up to my alarm. Great. It's the first day of school and my first day of public school. I get dressed into^^^. I brush my hair out and curl it. I do my makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs to see Katie and Brennan. "Are you excited?" Katie asks. "No. Are you?" I ask. "Kind of." She says. "Mom my stomach," I say to Mom. "Babe, it's just nerves. They're normal when you start at a new school." Brennan says and kisses my head. I nod and grab an apple and eat it. We head off to school in Brennan's car.
We get to school and Katie and I go to the office to get our schedules, locker numbers and combinations. Brennan then shows us to our lockers and thankfully Katie and I go lockers right next to each other. We put our bags away and then grab our books that we need for first hour. We check our schedules and see that we all have the same except Brennan. He says we got put in the smart classes. "Oof. Brennan is stupid." Katie laughs. I roll my eyes, "Hey be nice." I say and Brennan leads us to our class and I immediately recognize 8 people in this room. "ANNIE?" One of them says. "Oh my god, Annie!!" Another says. They both come running up to me and hug me. "Hey!!" I say and hug them back. "Annie, who are they?" Katie asks confused. "These are two of my friends from camp. This is Avia and Brynn. Guys this is Katie." I say pointing to each girl. "Oh my god, Katie Donnelly?" Avia asks. "Yeah?" Katie says confused and honestly, I'm confused too. "It's Avia Butler!" Avia says. I'm still confused. "OH MY GOD AVIA!!" Katie says and they hug. "I'm still confused over here," I say. "Avia and I were best friends when we were little. Like school best friends and then you were my gym best friend. Kind of like Avia is your camp best friend and I'm your best friend." Katie says and I nod understanding. The class starts and we get assigned seats. I get a seat in between Hayden and Katie. This should be fun.
At lunch, Katie and I go sit at the table with Avia, and Brennan comes and joins. We all talk and Katie catches up with everyone. "So Annie this is your first time in a public school?" Ruby asks. "Yeah. I've always been homeschooled." I say. "Wow." They all say. "Ok, have you seen Hayden Summerall? Did he get hot or what?" Avia says and Katie nods. "Oh my god yes!" Katie says. Hayden walks by and the girls immediately quiet down and all swoon. We continue to talk and stuff until it's time for our next class.
It's English time and I'm kind of excited. My two favorite subjects are math and English. The teacher sits us in assigned seats. The tables only sit two and I was sat with Hayden. "Alright class, you are going to be doing a project with your table partner. You will be getting to know each other and writing a mini-biography on them. I have the questions that have to be included in the packet I'm handing to you along with the rubric and guidelines. You can ask more than just those questions. This essay is for me to see your writing capability and how long it takes you to write an essay. This is due in two weeks but if you come to me and ask me to extend your due date because you need more time then I will. This is a learning opportunity for both of us." The teacher says as she hands out packets. Looks like I'm partnered with Hayden. "So when and where do you want to do the project?" Hayden asks. "I guess we could do it at my house tonight," I say and he nods. The teacher lets us talk with each other and is putting a lot of trust in a room full of teenagers. "Annie, can we work on the project at your house tonight?" Katie asks referring to her and her partner. "Yeah. Hayden and I are working there too." I say. "No way! Lucky!" Katie says. "Katie you're going to be there too. You can see him too." I say. "Oh right." She says and we laugh.
It's after school and Brennan, Katie, and I meet up with Hayden and Katie's partner Jake. "You guys go and we'll follow," Jake says and we all nod and get in our cars. Once we are at my house we head inside and greet my parents and siblings and Katie's parents and siblings. We then sit at the bar and get out stuff for the project. "Alright first question. Name. Julianna Leblanc." Hayden says. I write down Hayden's name. "Next question. Birthday." Hayden says. "Mines April 10, 2005," I say and he writes it down. "Mines September 9, 2005," he says and I write that down. We do the rest of the required questions. "Are there any extra questions you have for me?" Hayden asks and I shake my head and get my computer out. "Me neither." He says and grabs his bag. "I'm gonna go. Thanks. Bye." He says and leaves. I get to work on the essay since that's the only homework I have today. "Babe please be careful with him. He's the bad boy of the school. I would hate for anything to happen to you." Brennan says and kisses my head before taking Hayden's seat. "Don't worry Brennan. I go to camp with him. You have nothing to worry about." I say and he nods. Katie hurry's and finishes with her partner and then he leaves. "So how's the essay coming?" Katie asks. "Pretty good. You know how fast I write." I say to her and she nods in acknowledgment.
About an hour later I'm pretty much done with my essay. Katie is still typing but she doesn't type as fast as I do. "Can someone read this for me and make sure it sounds good?" I ask. Katie looks over at Brennan with an eyebrow raised. I also look and notice he's on the phone. "He's probably just talking to a friend or something. Do you want to take a break?" I ask her. "Sure," She says and saves her doc and then shuts her computer. I save mine and then shut my computer and put it away. We get up and walk to the stairs to drop our bags in my room. We then walk back down to watch Netflix before dinner.
After dinner Katie and Brennan have to leave so I hug both and say bye and then they leave. About two hours later, head upstairs to do my nighttime routine and watch some Netflix and then go to bed.

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