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     It's Christmas Eve!! Hayden and I have been official for a little over a month now and I'm loving every second of it

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It's Christmas Eve!! Hayden and I have been official for a little over a month now and I'm loving every second of it. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I'm wearing a pair of red high waisted leggings with pockets and Hayden's sweatshirt. I'm helping my mom cook our dinner for tonight. "Annie I'm going to have to go to town to get more crunchies for the green bean casserole. Unless you want to?" Mom says. "Ooo I'll go!" I say and she laughs and hands me the money. I take it from her and walk over to Hayden. "Who wants to drive me to the store?!" I yell. "I do!" Katie and Hayden say at the same time. "You know you can both come. But one of you has to drive." I say. "Or Annie you could drive. You have your permit plus you need enough hours to get your license." Caleb says and I shake my head. "Nope. Nope nope." I say. "Why not? Just do it." Caleb says. "Noooo. Hay, Katie, come on. We need to go." I say and quickly walkout. I choose to get into Hayden's car and get in the passenger seat. Hayden gets in the driver seat and Katie gets in the middle seat. "Caleb's right Annie. You need to start driving. Otherwise, you can't get your license." Katie says as they buckle up. "Why is everyone assuming I even want a license?!" I say and quickly cover my mouth with my hand. "Wait what? Annie, why don't you want to get your licenses? Driving gives you so much freedom." Katie says. "Never mind. Just forget I said anything. We need to get to the store." I say quickly and Hayden pulls out of the driveway. "Annie I still don't understand. We've been talking about getting our license since we were 12. It's all we could think about. Why are you having second thoughts?" Katie asks. "Because I'm scared to drive ok! Driving has been terrifying me for the past few months. What if I cause an accident? What if I get into an accident? What if—" I ramble. "Princess. Chill. You're going to be fine." Hayden says and starts to rub circles on my thigh. "Yeah. You won't cause an accident and you won't get into one. You are going to be such an amazing driver!" Katie says.
After we get the crunchies we head back out to the car. "Annie you should drive us home," Katie says. "What?! No!" I say. "You'll be fine. You know you're way around town. You've got this." Hayden says and kisses my temple. He hands me his keys and we get in the car. "Deep breath. You've got this." Hayden says and wrests his hand on my thigh. "I don't got anything if I don't adjust the seat. How in the world do you drive like this?!" I say and move the seat forward, lift it, and move the back of the seat up. "Annie you're short and you're dating a tall person. What did you expect?" Katie laughs. I start the car and carefully back out of the parking spot after making sure there is no one coming from behind.
I pull into the driveway and shut the car off. I did it. I did it? I did it!! Katie and Hayden both get out of the car and Katie walks in with the crunchies. I grab the keys and get out and hand them to Hayden who puts them in his pocket. "I did it!!" I say and jump up and down. "Yeah, you did. Not so scary is it?" He says and I shake my head. "I told you. You're going to be fine." He says and kisses my head. I jump up and jump on him. He quickly wraps his arms around me as I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He carries me inside after locking the car. He opens the door to the house and sits on the couch after shutting the door behind him.
"Dinner time!" Mom says and everyone heads to the table. "I wanna sit next to Uncle Hayden!" Brady says. "Ok," Hayden says and sits Brady in his booster seat on the bench. "It seems we are short one seat. Katie, Annie, you are good at problem-solving what do you say we do?" Dad says. "Simple. Annie sits on Hayden's lap. You're short enough that both of you will be able to fit comfortably. Problem solved." Katie says and we all sit down.
After dinner, we all hang out and have fun. "Alright. So in our family, we have a tradition that everyone can open one present on Christmas Eve. It's always very similar to last year but it's something the kids have all enjoyed and we'd like to pass that tradition on to you guys. Hayley, Ryan would you pass out the Santa wrapped boxes?" Jill says and Hayley and Ryan start to pass them out. "Don't open until everyone has theirs," Mike says. Once everyone has theirs we all open the boxes. Pajamas, a bag of movie theatre butter popcorn, hot chocolate mix, a clue to what movie we are watching, everyone gets their favorite candy, bag of chips, and soda. This year the pajamas are red footed zip-up long-sleeved with white Christmas trees, snowflakes, and reindeers on them. "Everyone read your clues for the movie!" Ryan says. We all read our clues. "I know what it is!!!" I say thinking over the clues. "What?" Caleb asks. "It's Rudolph!!" I say getting excited. Rudolph is one of my very favorite Christmas movies. "Yep. So everyone hurry up and get changed into your pajamas while we get our movie theatre set up." Mom says and all the kids head to their rooms to change into the pajamas. "Annie! I'll grab blankets and stuffy. K?" Katie says. "Ok!" I say and finish doing my nighttime routine. Katie did hers earlier so all she had to do was change. I walk out of the bathroom and see Hayden smirking. "What?" I say. "Stuffy?" He questions. "Shut up. You are not allowed to make fun of me." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh, I'm not. I think it's incredibly adorable." He says and wraps his arms around my waist. "Up?" I ask and he effortlessly picks me up.
The movie is just about over and I can feel myself fighting to stay awake. I'm determined to stay awake though so I do. The movie finishes and I feel myself now starting to lose the fight to stay awake. I let myself relax and let sleep take over.

Hayden's POV

I feel Annie relax and see her asleep. Aww. "Katie. Can you get the blankets and stuff?" I ask and she looks at me confused. I point to Annie and Katie nods. I carefully carry Annie upstairs and lay her down in the bed. I go to walk away but grabs my arm and doesn't let go. Looks like Katie has to get the stuff on her own. Katie gets up here and I take the blanket that belongs on the bed from her and lay down and cover Annie and me in the blankets. Katie gets her stuff situated and then shuts the door and turns the light off and we let sleep take over.

I wake up to Brady jumping on the bed and Annie shaking me awake. "Uncle Hayden come on!! Santa came!!" Brady says. "Hay! Wake up!" Annie says. "Alright Alright. I'm awake. Brady goes downstairs. I'll be down in a minute." I say and he runs out the door. Annie gets up and I grab her hand and pull her back into the bed. "What?" She asks. "Merry Christmas beautiful," I say and kiss her nose. "Merry Christmas." She giggles. We get up and head downstairs to open presents.

Annie's POV

It's five and Hayden said he's taking me on a date tonight meaning I need to get ready. I get dressed into ^^^ and brush my hair out and curl it. I do natural makeup and then grab my phone and head downstairs. "Ready?" He asks and I nod. We get in the car and first, he drives to the café. We eat dinner there and then get back in the car and drive for what seems like forever until we are in the middle of nowhere. "Why are we in the middle of nowhere?" I ask. "We're not in the middle of nowhere. We're outside of town. And we are at our destination. Follow me." He says outside the car next to me and holding his hand out for me to grab. I take his hand and we walk to a blanket laid on the ground. We sit on the blanket and it's after dark so the stars are out. I look off the hill and see the town with all the lights on. "It's so beautiful," I say in awe. "Just like you." He says and runs circles on my hand with his thumb.
Twenty minutes later it's about 9:00. "Hay we should probably be going," I say and stand up. He nods and stands up. "But first. Merry Christmas." He says and hands me a small box. I smile and open it to see a note and a golden H on a gold necklace chain. The note says "My first initial until I can give you my last. I love you and Merry Christmas princess." "I love it!" I say and we lock eyes. "Will you put it on me?" I ask and he nods and puts the necklace on. We lock eyes and I get lost in his eyes and feel myself start to lean in. I think he is too. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his hands around my waist and we lock lips. We continue for about five minutes and then pull away. We smile and he picks up the blanket and we head back to the car.
We get home and I walk in after Hayden and shut the door behind us. "Hold up. Annie, you're glowing! What happened on this date?" Katie asks. "Hayden, did you get my text?" Brec asks. "Oh shit. I completely forgot. I'll go right now." Hayden says and kisses me and then walks out. "OH MY GOD!" Katie screams. "What what?! Are you ok?" Caleb asks, his overprotective nature stepping in. "ANNIE HAD HER FIRST KISS ON HER FIRST DATE!!!!!" Katie screams and I smile. "No fricking way?!" Hayley screams and runs over. I nod and she squeals. "Oh my god, how was it? Did you feel fireworks? Was it perfect? Spill the tea!" Katie says. "It was perfect. Yes, I felt fireworks. It felt like I was in a movie." I say and Hayley, Katie, and I squeal. "Would you stop squealing. It's just a kiss." Jimmy says. "Jimmy shut up. You can leave." Hunter says shutting Jimmy up. We talk more and I realize the bad boy stole my heart.

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