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     I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair

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I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair. "Good morning beautiful. Katie's already gone." Hayden says when he notices I'm awake. "Good morning. Why did you do that last night?" I ask recalling the events of late last night. "I can't stand to see my princess in pain. So last night when you were freaking out it was only natural for me to help." He says and kisses my forehead. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "You just did in your question but what's up?" He says. "Why did that feel more comfortable than when Brennan did it and why is it that this right now with you I feel more comfortable and idk maybe safe?" I ask. "First of all that was two questions. And now to answer the questions. First it was probably because Brennan was an asshole and just told you to get over it because it's just a thunderstorm. And second probably because Brennan's a perv and probably tried to see some things he shouldn't have whereas with me I will ask and make sure you feel safe and comfortable before anything." He says and kisses my forehead again. "We should probably get up. I'm sure everyone else is." I say after thinking about what he said. "Yeah probably." He says. I get up and immediately feel cold. We have the heat on what the heck. I change in the bathroom and get dressed into black high waisted leggings with pockets and a grey oversized sweatshirt. I do natural makeup and throw my hair up into a cute messy bun. I walk out and see Hayden is ready. I slip on my black and white checkered slip on vans and we head downstairs. We eat breakfast and then figure out who's riding in what car. "We could do Dylan, Brec, and Brady in their car, Billy, Katie, Hayley, and Ryan in Billy's car and Katie's car and Annie, Hayden, and I in my car," Katie suggests and everyone agrees so we split up like that. "Hayden you're driving since you know where to go just be careful with my car," Katie says and hands him the keys. "I will." He says and Katie and I get in the back. "Nope. Annie you are in shotgun." Katie says and stretches out so I can't sit down. "Evil. You are evil." I say and get in the front passenger seat. Katie sits back up and we all get buckled. Hayden follows dad's car who is following Dylan's car and I feel him rest his hand on my thigh. Higher up than I would normally like but for some reason I don't feel like he'll move any higher without asking.
We get to Hayden's house and all get out. Everyone else is here and now we have a bunch of cars to use. Mr. Summerall's, Mrs. Summerall's, Jimmy's, Hunter's, Dylan's, Brec's, Hayden's, Mom's, Dad's, Mike's, Jill's, and Katie's. "So how should we do this?" Dad asks. "Dylan and Brec if you guys want to put a car seat in my car for Brady, my car can just be a passenger car with little nicknacks in it," Katie suggests. "Yeah, I like that idea. Thanks Katie." Brec says and starts to get the car seat out of her car. "No problem!" Katie says and helps put the car seat in her car. "What should we get out? Since you are the designers I'll let you tell us." Mr. Summerall says. "Well obviously any clothes and toiletries you have. And anything else you absolutely need. Otherwise we will just move the stuff to another room until that room is done being renovated depending on how much renovation is needed." Mom says.
An hour later we are all done and all of the adults have already left. It's just Hayden, Katie, Brady, Hayley, Ryan, and me. Hayden puts Brady in his car seat and buckles him up and Ryan and Hayley get in and buckle. "Annie you ride with Hayden," Katie says and gets in and locks her doors so I physically can't get in. "She is so evil," I say. "Maybe that's a good thing," Hayden says as we walk to his car, and Katie pulls out. "Why would that be a good thing?" I ask. "Cause I can do this and she doesn't get to see. She's sabotaging herself." Hayden says and starts to kiss up and down my neck. Oh dear Jesus. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck knowing what happens next. He wraps an arm around my waist and effortlessly picks me up and sets me on the hood of his car. I look around and see Lexi walk out of the house next door and Brennan follow. He looks over and almost looks angry. "Hay, keep going," I whisper. "Huh?" Hayden asks and follows my slight point. He immediately catches on and starts kissing again. He lowers the arm around my waist so his hand can grab my butt and puts his other hand high up on my thigh. He kisses harder once he gets to the spot of my neck and I let out a soft moan and melt a little. I hear a car door slam and look over and see it was Brennan's door. Hayden pushes again and I almost immediately melt and let out a soft moan. We hear the car pull out of the driveway and Hayden pulls off and smirks. "What?" I ask. "I marked what's mine." He says and picks me up off the hood and carries me to the passenger side door. "You did not!" I say and quickly open the mirror on the visor. He did. I try adjusting the sweatshirt so that it's hidden but it's too high up on my shoulder. Hayden gets in the car and we both buckle. "Hayden how do you expect me to hide this from my parents and overprotective older brother?" I ask him. "You're not supposed to hide it. I marked what's mine." He says. "Ok but my parents, Katie's parents, and my siblings have no idea what we're doing!" I say to him and he chuckles. "Princess relax. You're getting older. They have to get over it at some point. It's not like you just lost your virginity," he pauses, "plus they should be happy you got over a toxic asshole named Brennan so quickly." "Ugh. Evil. Both of you. Evil." I say to him and referring to Katie.
We get to my house and my panic levels rise again. "Princess chill. It will be fine." Hayden says and we both get out. "Uncle Hayden!!" Brady says as he runs out with Katie following. "Annie. Is that what I think it is?" Katie asks. "I marked what's mine and your brother didn't like it one bit," Hayden says and smirks. "Wait what?" Katie asks. "Lexi lives next door to Hayden which I didn't know. After you left Hayden decided to be touchy and leave little kisses up and down my neck. I noticed Brennan walking out of the house next door following Lexi so I told him to keep going knowing it would make Brennan mad." I explain. "And boy did it work," Hayden says as we get ready to walk in. "Where are my parents?" I ask. "Annie. Take your hair down. That should cover it." Katie says and I take my hair down and see Hayden frown. "Get over yourself and I might let you give me another later," I say and he immediately perks up. I roll my eyes and we walk in after Katie makes sure the hickey is hidden. "What took so long?" Caleb asks as we walk in. "Hayden took a long way and then there was traffic," I say hoping Caleb buys it. "It is lunchtime so that makes sense." He says. We almost get upstairs when Hayley says "Annie why is your hair down? It was up earlier." "I decided to take it down," I say and quickly walk into my room and go to the bathroom to cover the hickey with concealer. Once that's done I walk out and see Hayden frowning and the door shut. "You weren't supposed to cover it." He says. "Hay, I had to. I told you. Get over yourself and you can give me another one later." I say. "Are you ashamed of this?" He asks referring to whatever we are. "No. I just want to tell my family the right way. Not by them seeing a hickey on my neck that you gave me to make Brennan mad." I say and walk over to him. "Come on that wasn't the only reason. I gave it to you to show people what's mine." He says. "Hay. I understand that. But I told you I'm not ready for that yet." I say. "I know. But why can't we just tell your family and second family what we're doing? To Brennan I mean." He asks. "Because they'd think I was being petty. And I don't really want that." I say to him. "Then they aren't a very good family." He says and picks me up and sets me on his lap facing him. "What?! Yes they are!" I argue. "Princess, if they think you're petty for trying to make someone that hurt you so bad, mad. Then they aren't a very good family." He says and kisses my neck softly. "They are an amazing family." I pout and a piece of hair falls in my face. Hayden moves the hair behind my ear, "You are adorable when you pout. And I'm sure they are. But that means they won't call you petty." "You are so annoying." I pout again. "Nah. I think I'm pretty clever." He says. "Ok. So what if we did tell them. How would you say we go about doing so?" I ask. "I don't know. How do you think would be best?" He asks. "I mean I guess we could have Katie do it. She's good at that sort of thing." I say and he nods. I text Katie and tell her to come up here and I get off Hayden. Katie opens the door and shuts it behind her. "What's up?" She asks. "Hayden wants to tell our families, yours and mine, about what we are doing to Brennan," I say. "And you want me to tell them because I'm good at it and you hate confrontation." She says and I nod. "Heck yeah! Let's do it! I'll text my parents and tell them they need to come over." Katie says and pulls her phone out. "Annie take the concealer off the you know what and just hide it with your hair. I have an idea for it." She says and I go take the concealer off.
Katie's parents are here and we are all in the living room. Us kids are sitting on the floor playing with or watching Brady play and the adults are sitting on the couch. "Ok. So. This applies to the Donnelly's and the Leblanc's. Summerall's you can stay if you want to but I'm not explaining any before events for what I'm about to tell you." Katie says and gets up. "You might want to get Brady out because I'm going to cuss." Katie says. "That's fine. Jimmy doesn't have a filter. Brady knows what he can't say." Brec says and Katie nods. "Ok. So we know Brennan was an asshole to Annie and needs to pay. Well maybe not physically. Maybe emotionally." Katie starts. "What do you mean?" Caleb asks wanting to get in on the action. "Brennan cared about Annie. Maybe just her body. But he still cares. So. Annie asked Hayden to help her piss Brennan off. And of course Hayden happily obliged. So today while we were helping the Summerall's move Annie and Hayden where the last ones at the house. Annie noticed Brennan and Lexi walking out of the house next door and of course Hayden and Annie thought is was the perfect opportunity to piss Brennan off. Well. It worked. Brennan is pissed that Annie is letting Hayden touch her ass and thigh and kiss her neck when he couldn't. And it resulted in Annie getting this." Katie says and moves my hair to reveal the hickey. My family and Katie's family gasp. "Holy shit Annie let you do that?" Caleb says just plain confused. "Yep." Hayden says proud. "What? I thought you hated that sort of thing?" Hayley asks also confused. "I mean I guess I do. I don't know. It's complicated." I say confused myself. "I don't think it's complicated. You feel confortable and safe with me whereas with Brennan you constantly had to tell him to back off because he's a perv and tried to see things he shouldn't." Hayden says. "I agree with Hayden. That makes the most sense. Annie you seem so much more relaxed with Hayden whereas with Brennan you were constantly stressing and worrying." Katie says. "I guess you're right." I say. "I support this because I love seeing Brennan pissed. But, if this goes any further than just a game, like into a relationship, and Hayden you hurt her, I will kill you." Caleb says and walks away. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself any how!" Hayden yells back to him. I blush and turn my head to hide it. "So when will you call it off?" Ryan asks. "Whenever the time feels right probably." I say. Katie and I's parents tell me they support and then yell at Hayden like Caleb did and then walk off. "I told you it'd be fine." Hayden says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah. Shut up." I say playfully. There's a knock, well more like pound, at the door. Caleb opens it and then slams it. "Jeez Caleb way to be rude." I say. "Nope. Not rude. On the other side of this door is a perverted asshole named Brennan." Caleb says and I make and O face. "Wait I have an idea! Annie get on Hayden's lap. Parents leave. Hayley and Ryan take Brady upstairs. Hayden do whatever the heck you did to piss Brennan off earlier. But times ten without pushing Annie too far." Katie says and everyone does what she says. "If I push it slightly push on my shoulder ok?" Hayden says and I nod. Hayden starts to leave the soft little kisses and Katie tells Caleb to open the door and he does. Brennan walks in angrily and Hayden pushes on the spot and I melt and let out a soft moan. This continues in making Brennan angrier. Hayden grabs my butt and squeezes it while pushing on the spot. I melt and let out a louder but still soft moan. This really makes Brennan mad. He comes over and basically throws Hayden's head off my neck. "What?" Hayden says. "Annie. What the hell?! You never let me do that! And your letting this kid that you've never interacted with before do it?! Come on I bet I can make you feel so much better than he does!" Brennan yells and I immediately start to cling to Hayden. Hayden wraps his arms around my tiny waist and slowly rubs my back. "Brennan get the hell out of our house. You're not welcome and you will never make Annie feel good. You never have!" Caleb says. "You want to bet?" Brennan says and grabs my arms. He almost gets me out of Hayden's grasp but Hayden keeps his grip. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. "Hayden just let go he's not going to!" I say with tears in my eyes. Hayden sees that I'm in pain and let's go but immediately stands up so he can get me out of Brennan's grip. Brennan turns me around in his grasp and starts kissing up and down my neck. "Brennan stop!!!" I say now crying. I hate this. Brennan continues and even tries pushing on the spot Hayden does. I don't melt. Not even a little bit. "Brennan!! Cut it out!! Please!!!" I say and try pushing him away but it obviously doesn't work. Caleb, Hayden and Katie all work together to loosen Brennan's grip but it doesn't work. "Annie do the thing." Katie says. "DADDY!!!!!" I yell and my dad immediately comes running down the stairs. He grabs Brennan and I am able to slip out of his grip. I run into Hayden's arms, they were the closest, and he engulfs my tiny body in a hug. Dad basically throws Brennan out and tells him to never come here again and slams and locks the door. Dad checks on me and then heads back upstairs probably to cool down. "Annie I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put you at risk like that! I am so so so sorry!" Katie says. "Katie it's fine. You just wanted to help in an issue that I created. If anything I put myself at risk." I say to her now realizing what I've done. She and I hug for a while and then let go. "Annie. Can you tell me how you feel when Hayden pushes on that one spot on your neck?" Caleb asks. "Safe and I kind of melt." I say. "And when Brennan did it?" He asks. "Terrified, uncomfortable, and assaulted." I say. "Yep. The point has been proven. You don't really hate the stuff you just hated Brennan doing it because he never treated you correctly." Caleb says and walks off. Katie hugs me one last time, apologies again and then walks off to probably play with Brady. "Princess did I push it at all?" Hayden asks. "No. I would have pushed you away if you did." I say to him. "Promise? I don't ever want to see you the way I just saw you with Brennan because of me." He says. "Yes I promise. But remember you make me feel safe. Brennan didn't and doesn't." I say to him and hug him. He hugs back and we sit on the couch. "I know you're not exactly ready for it but I feel like we should just label ourselves as boyfriend and girlfriend." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Two reasons. One, it is sure to piss Brennan off. And two, I think you'll be ready for us sooner than later. We don't necessarily have to be a couple completely because I know you aren't ready but labeling would be nice so people know that you are mine and mine only." Hayden says. "Possessive much?" I laugh. "When it's about my princess? Absolutely." He says. I giggle and we talk for a little longer. "I mean I guess we could label ourselves and I just push you away when I don't feel ready for something." I say. "Wait really?" He asks and I nod. "But I want to be asked properly." I say. "Annie Leblanc will you be my girlfriend?" Hayden asks. I nod eagerly and hug him. He hugs back and kisses my temple after a slight chuckle. He carries me up stairs to my room despite me telling him I can walk and sits down on the bed with me in is lap. "You are absolutely adorable. I don't know how Brennan could ever have treated you terribly." Hayden says and kisses my cheek extremely close to my lips. There's a quiet knock on the door. I get up and go get it. "Well hello Brady! What's up?" I ask the adorable little four year old at my door. "Do you and Uncle Hayden want to pway basketbaw?" He asks. I look back at Hayden and see him get off the bed. "Absolutely!" He says and we walk outside with Brady. I find the ball and pass it to Hayden. He gives it to Brady and lifts him up so he can dunk it and hang there for a second. They do that a couple times and I just watch the adorableness. I blush at the thought of Hayden acting like this all the time. Different from his bad boy act that I see everyday at school. "Come on princess! Hayden says and waves me over. I walk over and we play some slight basketball and then Brady gets distracted and runs inside. "Want to dunk the ball before we put it away?" Hayden asks. "Why not." I say and he hands me the ball. He has me stand in front of him and he puts his hands on my waist and effortlessly picks me up to the rim and I throw the ball in the basket and have Hayden lower me down. "Why didn't you hang for a second?" Hayden asks. I shrug and avoid the question by grabbing the ball and putting it away. "I know you did not just avoid that question." Hayden says and I shrug again. Hayden walks over and wraps his arms around my waist so that I can't avoid him anymore. "If this has anything to do with Brennan I swear to god." He whispers under his breath. "Why Princess?" He asks. "Brennan lifted her up there one day let her just hang there. The hoop was half way broken and she was scared. She never set foot on that court again. I was honestly surprised when she said yes yesterday." Katie says and I look over and see her standing on the deck. "You have got to be kidding me." Hayden says and Katie shakes her head. "I wish I was." She says. Hayden looks at me and I avoid making eye contact knowing I'll start crying. "Kids! Dinner!" My parents say and we head inside. "We are having lasagna and cheesy garlic bread tonight." Dad says. "Yum!" Hayley and I say and grab a plate. We all get our food and sit at the table. Well, kids sit at the table and adults sit anywhere else. Does anyone have any good news?" Hayley asks bored knowing today was definitely eventful. "Annie and I are officially labeled." Hayden says not using the actual label. "Labeled as what? Talking or a couple?" Katie asks getting excited. "A couple." I say and Katie and Hayley shriek. "What about bad news?" Caleb says being the Debby downer. "I do not want to go to school tomorrow." I say. "Just tell mom you don't feel well. But use mommy. It melts her just a little more." Hayley says and I nod. I finish eating and then put my dishes away and start acting like I do when I don't feel well. "Mommy, I don't feel good." I say and she walks over to me. "What's wrong?" She says concerned. "My head hurts and it kind of hurts to move." I say hoping she buys it. She lifts my small body up on the counter and grabs the thermometer. She takes my temperature and frowns. "No fever. Maybe you just need some rest. It might hurt to move from all of the moving today. If you still don't feel good in the morning you can skip alright?" She says and I nod. "But you'll be home alone." She says. "I could stay with her. To like take care of her and stuff." Hayden suggests. "I think that's a lovely idea." Mrs. Summerall says. "Thank you Hayden. I would rather someone be here with her just in case Brennan decides to pay a visit." Mom says as Hayden puts his dishes away. "No problem." He says and my mom walks back into the living room after putting the thermometer away. Hayden lifts me off the counter and carries me upstairs to my room. He shuts the door and locks it. "I can walk now." I say and try to get down but ever so slightly tightens his grip. "Nope. And I believe I was told I can give you another hickey." Hayden says. "Hay, I'm supposed to be resting. Not getting hickeys." I say. "This will be quick. I promise." He says and I eventually nod him to get on with it. He decides on a place kind of behind my jaw line. He pretty much just stays in that spot and sometimes pushes a little harder making me let out a soft moan he pulls off and moves my hair back and smiles. "I'm changing in the bathroom and then laying down." I say and get off him. I grab my pajamas and go to my room. I do my night time routine, change, and braid my hair. I then walk out to see a shirtless Hayden waiting for me. "You might want to unlock the door so no one gets suspicious." I say. "Oh shit that's right." He says and quickly unlocks it. We get in bed and I cuddle into Hayden and let sleep take over.

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